The amplification of Pushing suspensions

    • The amplification of Pushing suspensions

      We've had some thoughts about it in the local community this summer and it seemed to me an appropriate and easy-to-implement worldwide solution exists here. The idea itself spins around initially increasing the standard account lifetime from 36 to 72 days, thus, allowing the staff to enforce longer (up to 63 days) Pushing suspensions. This would help to diminish the value of unfair incomes by prolonging the player's inability to replenish the resources pool. If one knows the ban could last 2 months instead of 3 weeks, a second thought on if the rules breach is worth at all is likely to occur. Along the way this also cures the headache of alliance leaders ought to renew VM accounts on-hold every 3 weeks, which isn't too convenient and could be less troublesome as once in 1.5 months.
