[2.2.1] Favourite target - click on button to show the list

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  • [2.2.1] Favourite target - click on button to show the list

    hi again

    Please create a setting into UV options to "click on the button to open the favourite target list" , because:

    i hover the button and open the list
    when i want to select another pinned browsertab (like from the AGO feature that on messages page the fleetpage1 is opened in another browser tab)
    when i want to click on the message box when i come from the AGO Infopanel
    when i want to use the AGO feature that clicking on the OGame logo opens an ogame page
    (...or other directions in which the favourite target button is inbetween)

    so i want to be able to deactivate the opening of the list by hovering. I want that the list will only open by clicking on the button.
    I guess that there are some other UV-user who are annoyed from the accidently opened target list althought they wanted to do other actions.
