Pinned [P] Panel - tab Settings (Discussion)

    • [P] Panel - tab Settings (Discussion)

      Dear user
      Please help us to improve the usability, behavior and connection of the Panel.
      This thread is about the tab Settings.
      feel free to show us your ideas.

      • Suggest what settings should be displayed on which page (pls give an example/reason) in the tab Settings of the Panel.
      • Only important and often changed (for a special purpose/routine) settings will be used, if there are a lot of possible settings.
      • If the setting does not exist in the AGOoptions, then please colour the font green (#008000)
      • There can be a specific behaviour of the Panel (Visual selection feedback, Colouring & Highlighting etc.) for your suggestion.
      • There can be other places for displayed AGOsettings for a special OGame page (like it is in Jump Gate) or an Infopanel tab (like Constructions) for your suggestion.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by fl00ri ().

    • Collection of all Settings - (displayed=white, undisplayed=yellow, new=green, reason=grey)

      latest update: 29.09.2013

      [P - Settings @ menus]
      • OVERVIEW:
        1. [Restore]
          AGO menu → Data & Settings → Backup via server → #
        2. [Backup]
          AGO menu → Data & Settings → Backup via server → #
        3. [Use included OGame images instead of loading via internet] -
          AGO menu → Skin & Usability → Skin → #
          More images will be added in the future. The performance of OGame will be increased and so a nice improvement. the background colour selection could be displayed, too.
        4. [The OGame logo is linked to page] Overview
          AGO menu → Main View → Common → #
          Depending on your gameplay, purposes and current actions you would like to change the target page. Fast access wanted.

        O - Events:
        1. [Show by default the ships- and resources summary]
          AGO menu → Events → Events → #
          Depending on the amount of current events, the auto shown details are wanted or not, because of the overview.
        2. [Use ship name abbreviations]
          AGO menu → Events → Events → #
          Depending on the amount of ships in a fleet, the short format is wanted or not, because of the overview.

      • RESOURCES:
        1. [Show detailed resource information]
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
        2. [Show after next level, when already in construction]
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
        3. [Show name or details over images] Name & Details
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
          Depending on the experience or purposes of the user, the names/details are wanted or not, because of the overview or an used skin.

        R - Resource settings:
        1. [Show amount of missing Solar Satellites]
          This feature is requested. Some user would like to see this information there aswell.

      • Facilities:
        1. [Show detailed resource information]
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
        2. [Show after next level, when already in construction]
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
        3. [Show name or details over images] Name & Details
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
          Depending on the experience or purposes of the user, the names/details are wanted or not, because of the overview or an used skin.

        F - Jump gate:
        1. [Stay on the current Moon after jump.]
          AGO menu → Galaxy, Jumpgate & other → Jump Gate → #
        2. ['Most ships' lets always remain enough Cargo ships for all resources.]
          AGO menu → Galaxy, Jumpgate & other → Jump Gate → #
        3. [Hide the confirmation message after jump]
          AGO menu → Galaxy, Jumpgate & other → Jump Gate → #
          Similiar to the colonization notification, it's just annoying and a fast access to this setting would help some user to get rid of it.

      • MERCHANT | Trader:
        1. [Open this section on default] Import/Export
          Makes the daily purchase of the box more convenient. This is also for user who are very active in the Auctioneer.
        2. [Remind me to purchase the box in Import/Export]
          - can be realized with a timer (1 box every 24h) and a counter (notes, if you purchased it in a 24h period). if there is a box, then the menu-icon can blink in orange/grey.
        3. [Show, if there is a trader and of what resource type]
          - the trader can come from an expedition or due to a manually selection. The corresponding resource icon should be shown on the menu button then

      • RESEARCH:
        1. [Show detailed resource information]
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
        2. [Show after next level, when already in construction]
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
        3. [Show name or details over images] Name & Details
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
          Depending on the experience or purposes of the user, the names/details are wanted or not, because of the overview or an used skin.

        R - Technology:
        1. [Always open with closed sections on default]
          The user want to see a specific area inside the technology sheet. It's annoying to see everything displayed and to scroll to/find the right area.
        2. [Auto open corresponding section for current selection]
          Primarily the beginner takes a look inside the technology sheet, coming from the icon of a current selection. So the corresponding area should be displayed and the other section should be closed. A background highlighting (green=for planet, orange=fro moon) of this area would also be helpful.

      • SHIPYARD:
        1. [Show detailed resource information]
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
        2. [Show name or details over images] Name & Details
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
          Depending on the experience or purposes of the user, the names/details are wanted or not, because of the overview or an used skin.

      • DEFENSE:
        1. [Show detailed resource information]
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
        2. [Show name or details over images] Name & Details
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
          Depending on the experience or purposes of the user, the names/details are wanted or not, because of the overview or an used skin.
        3. [List all rockets in Infopanel - Account]
          Depending on the purposes of the user, it can be helpful to also let the rockets be shown in this tab.

      • FLEET1:
        1. [Default target type] Auto (only available in the Infopanel)
          Set up the default target type like planet, moon or automatical selection.
        2. [Select routine with the return-key when no ships chosen] Routine.-Fleetsave
          AGO menu →Fleet → Common → #
        3. [Show name or details over images] Name & Details
          AGO menu →Buildings & Constructions → Common → #
          Depending on the experience or purposes of the user, the names/details are wanted or not, because of the overview or an used skin.

      • FLEET2:
        1. [Default target type] Auto (only available in the Infopanel)
          Set up the default target type like planet, moon or automatical selection.
        2. [Adjust speed for the available capacity or deuterium]
          AGO menu → Fleet → Common → #
        3. [Set to Deployment on own coordinates]
          AGO menu → Fleet → Missions and type selection → #
          Depending on your gameplay, purposes and your current spreading of ships you need this setting enabled or disabled. A fast access to this setting to change it would be very useful.

      • FLEET3:
        1. [Remove warning that no further planets may be colonized]
          AGO menu → Fleet → Common → #
        2. [Remember routine missions]
          AGO menu → Fleet-Routines → Routine Last → #
          Depending on your gameplay, purposes and your current action you want this setting being enabled or disabled. A fast access to this setting to change it would be very useful.
        3. [Remember flights to own coordinates]
          AGO menu → Fleet-Routines → Routine Last → #
          Depending on your gameplay, purposes and your current action you want this setting being enabled or disabled. A fast access to this setting to change it would be very useful.
        4. [Remaining ships and remaining / preferred resources]
          AGO menu → Fleet → Standard ships and resources → #
          Depending on your gameplay, purposes and your possibility to build traps for enemies it would be great to have fast access to change this settings.
          the settings layer would popup where you can change and save the settings very comfortable.

        F - Movement:
        1. [Select fleet page 1 with the return-key]
          AGO menu → Events → Fleet movement → #
        2. [Use ship name abbreviations]
          AGO menu → Events → Phalanx → #
          Depending on the amount of ships in a fleet, the short format is wanted or not, because of the overview.
        3. [Highlight last sent fleet]
          Depending on your purposes and your current action you want this setting being enabled or disabled. A fast access to this setting to change it would be very useful.

      • GALAXY:
        1. [Show size of Debris field per] Number
          AGO menu → Galaxy, Jumpgate & other → Galaxy → #
          Depending on the size of the debris, the short format or another option is wanted or not.
        2. [Show alliance and player ranks]
          AGO menu → Galaxy, Jumpgate & other → Galaxy → #
          For those who sometimes want to turn off this details to clear the overview in the Galaxy.
        3. [Enable the touch gestures]
          AGO menu → Skin & Usability → Usability → #
          For those who sometimes want to use the gestures. For some actions its still needed to turn it off, e.g. write a message in the galaxyview.
        4. [Delay for showing of tooltips in galaxy] -
          AGO menu → Skin & Usability → Tooltips → #
          Depending on your purposes and your current action you want the tooltips being displayed in different ways. A fast access to this setting to change it would be very useful.

        G - Phalanx:
        1. [Use ship name abbreviations]
          AGO menu → Events → Phalanx → #
          Depending on the amount of ships in a fleet, the short format is wanted or not, because of the overview.

      • EMPIRE:
        1. [Improve layout, reduce size of columns]
          AGO menu → Galaxy, Jumpgate & other → Empire View → #
          This Empire feature could be shown here...why not? There is still space for it.

      • ALLIANCE:
        1. [Always open Member list on default]
          Primarily the user enter the Alliance page to see the Member list, so let it being displayed opened on entering.

        1. [Disable all features where you need to spend DM]
          A lot of the player dont want to accidentally use a feature where you have to spend Dark Matter. But in case of emergency they possibly need to use one of it, so they can turn it on for this time.

      • SHOP | Inventory:
        1. [Always open Inventory on default]
          Primarily a lot of the player enter this page to see their Inventory also because they dont want to buy something from the Shop, so let it being displayed opened on entering.

      [P - Settings @ submenus]
      • Buddies: (settings in the buddies-window)

      • Notes: (settings in the notes-window)

      • Highscores:
        1. [Show same tags and colours like in Galaxy]
          For those who would like to see known inactives and vacationers etc for a more realistic highscore or else what.
        2. [Pin the highscore section menu to the top of the browser]
          So you are able to change the highscore section immdiately, no matter how far below your current selection is. It would avoid the annoying scrolling and save time while viewing the highscores.

      • Search: (settings in the search-window)
        1. [Improve layout and functionality]
          convert it to a list, that looks similar to Highscores ( lines and alternating background). display "highscores" instead of "highscore ranking" and use the so won space, to show alliance rank and member on default - see following feature)
        2. [Show alliance info and links to search engines]
          show alliance rank and member on default. display links to search-engines in the tooltip of the player and alliance.
        3. [Links to the Highscore will refer to this section on default] Points
          some player want to see a specific highscore-type of the player/alliance.

      • Options:
        1. [Use visual selection feedback]
          AGO menu → Skin & Usability → Usability → #
          This global feature could be shown here...why not? This is an area for general settings.
        2. [Visibility of the inactive panel] Middle
          AGO menu → Main View → Infopanel → #
          This global feature could be shown here...why not? This is an area for general settings.
        3. [Colour scheme for resources]
          AGO menu → Colouring & Highlighting → #
          More areas for colouring resources will be added in the future. Some people would like to have this feature and if its already aktivated then it is still good to be able to deaktivate it in some cases.
          This global feature could be shown here...why not? This is an area for general settings.

      • Planet list: (click on the colony-count box or maybe on any position in the list)
        1. [Use function keys to select planet or moon]
          AGO menu → Skin & Usability → Usability → #
          For those who dont know the possibility to select their planets/moons with hotkeys (but would use if they know).

      • Tutorial:
        1. [Instead go to Messages, if the Tutorial is finished]
          After finishing the tutorial nobody wants to go there anymore, but since the button is located besides the messagebox, perhaps some player are going there because of a misclick. With this setting they would go to Messages nonetheless.

      • Messages:
        1. [Spiohelper from Eleria]
          AGO menu → Messages → Espionage reports → #
        2. [Use short number format]
          AGO menu → Messages → Espionage reports → #
        3. [Hide reports below limits or hide details] Hide all
          AGO menu → Messages → Espionage reports → #
        4. [Open Fleet I in an own tab or window]
          AGO menu → Messages → Espionage reports → #
          Depending on your gameplay, purposes and your current actions you need this setting enabled or disabled. A fast access to this setting to change it would be very useful.

      [P - Account]
      1. Total/Auto
      2. Summarize planet and moon
      3. Show cargobay from stationed ships.
        This can be an useful information for an ongoing action.
      4. Show still missing cargo ships to carry stationed resources.
        This can be an useful information for an ongoing action.

      [P - Flights]
      1. Total/Auto
      2. Summarize planet and moon
      3. Show total and free cargobay from the fleet.
        This can be an useful information for an ongoing action.
      4. Show still missing cargo ships to carry all resources after arrival of the fleet.
        This can be an useful information for an ongoing action.

      [P - Constructions]
      1. Summarize all of a position
      2. Summarize planet and moon
      3. Summarize all
        Summarizes every pinned object for the calculation.
      4. Calculate with the total resources in your account (takes value from I-Account)
        it should recognize if the Shipment is enabled/disabled in the tab Account, so it takes e.g. the total amount for stationed resources only, but you are still able to add some shipments to this position in the tab Construction. Every situation can be managed this way.

      [P - Tokens]
      1. Sort by Types/Tags. (type=position/player/alliance , tags=farm/observe/etc)
        This sorting can be useful to keep the overview or to get the wanted information fast.

      [P - Player]
      1. Show the highscore rank of the player. (shown in Infopanel and Infobox)
      2. Show the honor status of the player. (shown in Infopanel and Infobox)
      3. Show the mode and tags of the player. (shown in Infopanel and Infobox)
        This provides additional useful information and let it be authentic like in Galaxy. The highscore rank can be coloured by the status tags from AGO aswell.

      [P - Briefing]
      1. Insert the first marked coordinate immediately.
      2. Insert the selected coordinates for each page loading.
      3. Go to the Galaxy by clicking on the coordinates if you are not on a fleet page.
      4. Disable the auto-copy coordinates feature
        For those who are using this tab to have a static list of targets for the daily farming and dont want to add more coordinates.
      5. Show the infobox for the player of the selected coordinates
        It can be really helpful to see other planets from the player, whose coordinates are currently selected.

      [P - Tools]
      1. Always open the tools pages in a new tab.
      2. Preselection of the amount of ships.
        please change to a dropdown menu to provide more functions. options should be:
        - (disabled), ships (attacker), defense(defender), both(defender)

      3. Use the alliance-tag for search-engines instead of the current player name
        This seems not needed, because in the search engine you just need to click in the players alliance to see stats from the alliance, but for custom made search-links it is recommended to enable this setting.
        e.g. if you definded a link to see all moons from a whole ally, then it appears in the Infopanel, but cant be used there (only in galaxy in the tooltip of an alliance) because it is taking the [PLAYERNAME] and not the [ALLIANZETAG]. So if you want to see all moons from the alliance of your currently selected player by just 1 click, then you need this setting ;)

      4. Highlight this section by a dark green border: last selected
        Depending on the gameplay and routined actions, a specific subsection of the tab Tools is often used. This can be highlighted for a better targeting.
        Optional there could be the option to disable/close the subsections by clicking on their headlines, so you can close seldom used subsections and the highlighting of the often used subsection is redundant then.

      The post was edited 43 times, last by fl00ri ().