Dear user
Please help us to improve the usability, behavior and connection of the Panel.
This thread is about the tab Settings.
feel free to show us your ideas.
Please help us to improve the usability, behavior and connection of the Panel.
This thread is about the tab Settings.
feel free to show us your ideas.
- Suggest what settings should be displayed on which page (pls give an example/reason) in the tab Settings of the Panel.
- Only important and often changed (for a special purpose/routine) settings will be used, if there are a lot of possible settings.
- If the setting does not exist in the AGOoptions, then please colour the font green (#008000)
- There can be a specific behaviour of the Panel (Visual selection feedback, Colouring & Highlighting etc.) for your suggestion.
- There can be other places for displayed AGOsettings for a special OGame page (like it is in Jump Gate) or an Infopanel tab (like Constructions) for your suggestion.
The post was edited 5 times, last by fl00ri ().