Pinned AGO Menu - TranslationTool guide

    • AGO Menu - TranslationTool guide

      latest update: 09.10.2013

      • common tooltips (setting) - use this headlines in this order:
        • [EXPLANATION] (is added on default and doesnt need to be written down)
        • [HINT] (for referring to other settings and showing hidden functionality)
        • [TIP] (for showing a workflow, maybe in combination with other settings)

      • uncommon tooltips (section) - use this headlines in this order:
        (greyed out tags are unusual and should be avoided)
        • [GENERAL] (for the Enable-checkbox)
        • [STANDARD] (for default features, that will persist when Enable is deaktivated)
        • [EXPLANATION] (for a short description and for Things without an own setting like the Calculator)
        • [DATA] (for showing that/what data is needed to get a feature working)
        • [COLORING] (for referring to the corresponding part in the Coloring&Highlighting tab)
        • [TOOLS] (for showing corresponding tools)
        • [PANEL] (for showing connected actions with the Panel from AGO)
        • [DETAILS] (for explaining the structure of a special feature)
        • [SHORTCUTS] (for showing corresponding hotkeys)
        • ]*[ (for listing the features for a single part, e.g. for every hotkey in the SHORTCUTS part)

      • general tags:
        • [BR] (= line break)
        • [LIST'] (creates a list with "-" infront)
        • [HEADLINE]...[] (for adding a headline with a custom name - departed explanations)
        • [NOPARSE] (the part isnt checked for tags etc. - show complete links and special characters)

        • [SECTION]...[] (for a section in the AGO tab - e.g. [SECTION]General → Common[]
          or a submenu like [SECTION]Briefing[] or [SECTION]Planet list[])

        • [SETTING]...[] (for a setting in a section - e.g. [SETTING]General → Common → Menu language[]
          or a setting from a submenu like [SETTING]Panel → Constructions → Stationed[])

        • [OPTION]...[] (for an option in a setting = dropdown menus - e.g. [OPTION]English[])
        • [SHORTCUT]...[] (for hotkeys - e.g. [SHORTCUT]M[])
        • [INDENT]...[] (for long descriptions of OPTION and SHORTCUTS - e.g. [INDENT]second line of description[])

        • [PAGE]...[] (for OGame pages/menus, big areas - e.g. [PAGE]Research[] , [PAGE]AGO menu[]
          or [PAGE]Panel[])

        • [OGAME]...[] (for OGame settings - e.g. [OGAME]coordinates[] , [OGAME]position[]
          or [OGAME]duration[])

        • [ITEM]...[] (for OGame things = buildings, constructions, research, items - e.g. [ITEM]Large Cargo[] or for groups of things like [ITEM]Combat research[] or [ITEM]Combat ships[])

      • colour tags: (visual selection feedback and Colouring & Highlighting)
        • [NORMAL]...[] (#848484)
        • [BLUE]...[] (#6F9FC8) (for a targeted "name" word: name, player name, ship name, planet name)
        • [RED]...[] (#FF0000)
        • [ORANGE]...[] (#FF9600)
        • [GREEN]...[] (#008000) (for "# time" words: time, server time, local time, cooldown time, finish time)
        • [GRAY]...[] (#767f88)
        • [WHITE]...[] (#FFFFFF)

        • [PLANET]planet[] (#99CC00)
        • [MOON]moon[] (#FD8A1C)
        • [DEBRIS]debris[] (#FFFFFF)

      • mission tags (uniform): <renewed> (for fleetpages feature: Mission selection, Routines, shown lists and buttons)
        • [ATTACK]
        • [ACSATTACK]
        • [TRANSPORT]
        • [DEPLOYMENT]
        • [ACSDEFEND]
        • [ESPIONAGE]
        • [COLONIZATION]
        • [HARVEST]
        • [EXPEDITION]

      • internal instruction:
        1. every section and setting inside the AGO menu has its own big key.
          • Last digit =0 = section
            e.g. [O50] (= Main View → Planet list)
          • Last digit >0 = setting referring to the section
            e.g. [O52] (= Main View → Planet list → Shrink planet list size)

        2. create a tooltip for a setting
          • Create/use the small key with 2 digits (same number)
            e.g. [o52] (= Main View → Planet list → Shrink planet list size → <tooltip>)

        3. create a tooltip for a section
          • Create/use the small key with 3 digits (+ key group)
            e.g. [o500] (= Main View → Planet list → <tooltip>)
          • This tooltip is for management only and is using keys and tags only, no text is shown.
            So you need to create a few subkeys which will be sticked together in the 1st managing key.
            The digits of the subkeys are predefined and follows the order of the possible tags for section tooltips!
            only in the subkeys the features can be listed with the tag ]*[ (adds a dot infront)
            e.g. [o500]: [GENERAL] [a82] [STANDARD] [g302] [SHORTCUTS] [g305]
            (if the part [EXPLANTION] will be added, then the corresponding subkey [g303] have to be used etc.)

      The post was edited 11 times, last by fl00ri ().

    • possible tags for the future

      all here listed tags are not implemented. They are just concepts that may be introduced in the future...
      the corresponding colour codes can hopefully be taken from the tab "Colouring & Highlighting" so that the tooltips go uniform with customized colours (or change the colour codes to a lighter version).

      • resources tags:
        • [METAL]metal[] (#96824f)
        • [CRYSTAL]crystal[] (#4e95cb)
        • [DEUTERIUM]deuterium[] (#57cbb7)
        • [ENERGY]energy[] (#c88189)

      • mission colour tags:
        • [ATTACK]Attack[] (#D43635)
        • [ACSATTACK]ACS attack[] (#D43635)
        • [TRANSPORT]Transport[] (#7EAD3D)
        • [DEPLOYMENT]Deployment[] (#36B588)
        • [ACSDEFEND]ACS defend[] (#D57936)
        • [ESPIONAGE]Espionage[] (#BD9B2F)
        • [COLONIZATION]Colonization[] (#2BBFBF)
        • [HARVEST]Harvest[] (#11A140)
        • [MOONDESTRUCTION]Moon destruction[] (#FF3356)
        • [EXPEDITION]Expedition[] (#4162A5)
        • [JUMP]Jump[] (#?)
        • [PHALANX]Phalanx[] (#?)
        • [ROCKET]Rocket-attack[] (#?) / [ROCKET]Rocket-defend[] (#?)

          Infopanel - pin more details onto tab Tasks
          AGO - Attack SIgns
          Galaxy - coloured fleet icons

        is it better to create an semi transparent fleet-icon / attack-icon and in ogame AGO uses a background colour and just lay the image over it? so only 1 image is needed and the background colour is changing (i think that would be faster for AGO and also there arent so much images in the extension folder + it would be possible for mission-icons etc aswell)

      The post was edited 5 times, last by fl00ri ().

    • additional information and angoing concepts

      Dear translators,

      here is the place where additional information about the tags are shown to understand the concept and meaning/usage beyond them (white).
      Next below can be found Improvements of existing concepts (yellow) and suggestions about new concepts (green).
      At the end can be questions, issues und undecided facts (red) - (The font colour for descriptions or outdated tags is grey).
      Suggestions are welcome ;)

      1. [PAGE]...[] tag colour = #D78F47 it is the colour of the buttons like
        • is a reduction of this former used tags. So every target PAGE is listed here:
          [FLEET] [FLEET1] [FLEET2] [FLEET3]

        • the Panel and the Infobox from AGO and the planet list is shown everywhere (like possible for [EVENTS])
          so they are marked as a "special page" aswell:
          [PAGE]planet list[]

      2. [SECTION]...[] tag colour = #6F9FC8
        • this tag marks every Options tab inside of the AGO Menu.
        • change font type to "bold" (on the other hand [SETTING][] type kept on "normal")

      3. [SETTING]...[] tag colour = #6F9FC8
        • this tag marks every Settings area inside of a Options tab ( the AGO Menu).

      4. [OPTION]...[] tag background = #000000
        • this tag marks every Option (drop down menu) of a setting.
        • the background is shown from the left to 90 pixels to the right at minimum and is expanded if a longer text is marked.

      5. [SHORTCUT]...[] tag background = #000000
        • is doing the same like [OPTION]...[], but for a different content
        • maybe it should get the button-background instead:

      6. [INDENT]...[] tag background = transparent
        • this is a line break [BR] plus the marked text is indented 90px to the right
        • so it is used for long descriptions of any OPTION or SHORTCUT to move the next lines of the text to the right.

      7. [DOT]...[] tag character =
        • adds a "dot" infront of the text group. Works simliar as a [LIST'] but came not with the "minus" and isnt indented.
        • so it marks the features of a single Setting, shown in the tooltips [EXPLANATION] itself.
          e.g. [u42] - there would be [DOT] instead of [LIST'] and each subfeature would get the [LIST']-tag

      8. [LIST']...[] tag character =
        • adds a "minus" infront of the text group. The text group is indented a bit into the middle of the tooltip.
        • so it marks the subfeatures of a single Feature of a Setting, shown in the tooltips [EXPLANATION] itself.
          e.g. [u42] - there would be [LIST'] for each of the border and background colours.
          (compare with [DOT]...[] above)

      9. [<RESOURCE>]<resource>[] & [<MISSION>]<mission>[] = #<colour> like explained in the post above

      10. [ITEM]...[] tag character = #N.A.
        • is anything that can be built or already has been built, like:
          ship, Large Cargo, Small Cargo, Espionage Probe, Colony Ship, Deathstar, Rockets, Terraformer, Lunar Base, Astrophysics, Graviton Research, etc.

        • and groups of them, like:
          buildings/constructions/research, storages, cargo ships, civil ships, combat ships, combat research, drive research, fleet, etc.

        • maybe the groups should get their own tag, like [ITEMGROUP]...[] with a slightly changed colour then, or bold font.

      11. [OGAME]...[] tag character = #N.A.
        • is anything that can be a target or is an important fact, like:
          resources, position, coordinates, alliance, player, aktivity, speed, duration, mission, combat report, spy report, expedition result, etc.

      12. [TOUCH]...[] tag background =
        • Similiar to [SHORTCUT]...[] but for touch gestures, like "swipe left".
        • there can be the tag [TOUCH] or [MOBILE] for an corresponding headline for the tooltips explanation (also similiar to [SHOTCUTS])

      13. "?forum"
        • add this to the very first line in an opened option tab (or on the headline). By clicking on it you will enter the corresponding thread inside of the Feature/Manuals section in the AGO Forum.
        • there can be an image instead (maybe with the tooltip to enter the forum by clicking).
        • should only be implemented when both the option tab and thread in forum are "finished".

      The post was edited 10 times, last by fl00ri ().

    • uncommon tooltips (section) - use this headlines in this order:
      [GENERAL] (for the Enable-checkbox)
      [STANDARD] (for default features, that will persist when Enable is deaktivated)
      [DATA] (for showing that/what data is needed to get a feature working)
      [COLORING] (for referring to the corresponding part in the Coloring&Highlighting tab)
      [TOOLS] (for showing corresponding tools)
      [INFOPANEL] (unusual)
      [DETAILS] (unusual)
      [SHORTCUTS] (for showing corresponding hotkeys)
      [EXPLANATION] (for a short description and for Things without an own setting like the Calculator)

