Fleet - Routine Expedition - preselected composition

    • Fleet - Routine Expedition - preselected composition

      As i have noticed at Fleet - Routines where you specify settings for expeditions if you select as main ship a destro and use large cargos (with probe always ticked). The expedition is sent as 1 Dest + 141 LC + 1 probe (according to my server's current highscore / 9015 exp points).

      Wouldn't it be better if the composition was like 1 Dest + 140 LC + 10 probes (9000 exp points exactly). After all regarding the expeditions the more probes you send the better results you get, as most say. Am i right?
      Or at least i think it would be nice to have an option (where the tick to send probe exist) to choose how many probes you would like to send and so on the composition of the expedition fleet will change automatically.

      Just a thought for us, the expedition lovers! :D