Panel - tab Constructions - Calculate with resources of moon and/or planet

    • Panel - tab Constructions - Calculate with resources of moon and/or planet

      When I do constructions I often have to send large amounts of res and I do not want my cargoes to be lanxed, so I deploy to the moon above the planet. I need to send larg amounts as my mine lvls are quite high already and I can't build them from res on planets.

      Is there a way to include this res in the shipment field? Is there a button to make the shipment field react to moon & planet at the same time? Or is there a different way to do this?

      This addin ( ) does the job reasonably well because it subtracts the res being sent when you click the "send fleet" button on fleet3. Ofc if you recall something or you change something else, it won't be correct anymore ;) & it doesn't work in FF Mobile aka Fenec.