10. Fleet - Routines

    • 10. Fleet - Routines

      latest update: 05.08.2013

      [10.1|Routine Plunder]
      • [10.1.1|Prefer Small Cargo instead of Large Cargo]
        • [Explanation]
          The decision about the preferred cargo type only takes effect on features that automatically put values for them: Routine Expedition, Routine Collect, Routine Transport

      • [10.1.2|Send 10% more ships to get all loot for later attack]
        • [Explanation]
          Adds 10% more cargo ships to the needed amount to ensure that you will get all of the possible loot.
        • [HINT]
          Distance, flight speed (lost cargobay for the needed amount of deuterium) and so the time of arrival (additional time in which the mines will produce resources) influences the resolving loot at the time of impact.

      [10.2|Routine Last]
      • [10.2.1|Remember flights to own coordinates]
        • [Explanation]
          Lists up your last mission to your own coordinates, shown in the Routine&Shortcuts table at [FLEET1] and [FLEET2] with all of its settings.

      • [10.2.2|Remember routine missions]
        • [Explanation]
          Lists up your last routine mission, shown in the Routine&Shortcuts table at [FLEET1] and [FLEET2] with all of its settings.
        • [TIP]
          Expeditions: start several waves to a manually set coordinate (with its own different combination of ships)
          Collect: use one collect mission for all of your planets as an wanted exception (that is not the same like the already defined one)

      [10.3|Routine Transport]
      • [10.3.1|Set to deploy on own coordinates]
        • [Explanation]
          Changes the auto mission selection from Transport to Deployment.
        • [HINT]
          This change will also be taken for the Transport-button at [SECTION]Infopanel-Constructions[].

        [10.3.2|Prefer small instead of large cargo ships]
        • [Explanation]
          Changes the auto ship selection from Large Cargo to Small Cargo (to automatically load all resources of your current location).
        • [HINT]
          If the amount of your preferred ship type is too less to load all the resources, then the other ship type will be used in addition to give you enough cargobay.

        • [TIP]
          You can manually do the same like Routine Transport by using the Calculator at [Fleet1]. So you can also change to Recycler instead of Cargos.

      [10.4|Routine Expedition]
      • [10.4.1|Send Espionage Probe]
        • [Explanation]
          Adds one [ITEM]Espionage Probe[] to your automatically setted Expedition fleet (only).

      • [|Standard settings (details)]
        • [Explanation]
          Define all settings for your Routine Expedition (effects all locations).
          Look at option [SETTING]Fleet → Fleet I → Select routine with the return key when no ships chosen[] for the advanced use.

        • [HINT]
          It starts to add one combat ship and then fill up with the preferred cargo ships untill you reach the maximum expedition points (you can see it in the fleet detail list on the bottom at [Fleet1]).

        [|Choose different settings for current position]
        • [Explanation]
          Define all settings for your Routine Expedition (effects defined location only).

      [10.5|Routine Collect]
      • [|Standard settings (details and remaining resources)]
        • [Explanation]
          Define all settings for your Routine Collect (effects all locations).
          Look at option [SETTING]Fleet → Fleet I → Select routine with the return key when no ships chosen[] for the advanced use.

        [|Choose different settings for current position]
        • [Explanation]
          Define all settings for your Routine Collect (effects defined location only).
        • [TIP]
          Let remain a small unusual amount of resources to confuse observating opponents.

      [10.6|Routine Fleetsave]
      • [10.6.1|Select mission in this order when nothing is selected] DeploymentColonizationRecycle debris field
        Colonization , Deployment, Recycle debris field
        • [Explanation]
          Select the order of possible missions that would grant you the highest security in the most cases. This depends on whether you or any neighbour have/has a moon and what is the state of your univers.
        • [HINT]
          See at setting [SETTING]Fleet → Fleet I → Select routine with the return key when no ships chosen[] for the advanced use.

      • [|Standard settings (details, remaining ships and resources)]
        • [Explanation]
          Define all settings for your Routine Fleetsave (effects all locations).
          Look at option [SETTING]Fleet → Fleet I → Select routine with the return key when no ships chosen[] for the advanced use.

        • [TIP]
          Keep this up to date to be able to save your full fleet as fast as possible (3s or even less).

        [|Choose different settings for current position]
        • [Explanation]
          Define all settings for your Routine Fleetsave (effects defined location only).

      The post was edited 2 times, last by fl00ri ().