08. Fleet

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    • latest update: 05.08.2013

      [8.1|Common] Enable features
      • [SETTING]Enable features[] enables or disables all features of this complete option tab.

      • [8.1.1|Auto-copy coordinates]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Stores valid OGame coordinates from a marked text and uses them as target coordinates.
          The A-icon next to the AGOmenu button shows the status:
          [-LIST] A click changes between active or inactive auto-insertion.
          [-LIST] A double click deletes the stored coordinates.
          [-LIST] [ORANGE]A[]: Auto insertion is activated and the coordinates will be used each time you open [FLEET1].
          [-LIST] [WHITE]A[]: Auto insertion is deactivated and the target coordinates are stored at [FLEET2].
          [-LIST] [GRAY]A[]: target coordinates are not stored.
        • [HINT]
          [-LIST]Auto-copy coordinates from external pages is currently only available for Firefox and Chrome with Tampermonkey and a few websites like Websim, Osimulate, all Galaxytool pages, WarRiders and a few other.
          [-LIST]Auto-copy is always active for [SECTION]Infopanel-Tasks[]
        • [TIP]
          Live insertion (select text somewhere. coordinates are inserted immediatly on [FLEET1]) is independent from the "A" and always active.

      • [8.1.2|Hide unneccessary status bars]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Removes the info line for used fleet slots and redirection to fleet movement and places them to the top left area of the Calculator, recolored in dependence of free slots. A click on the slot info redirects to fleet movement.

      [8.2|Fleet I]
      • [HEADLINE]Fleet details list[]
        On [FLEET1] a list is displayed below the ship selection area that provides information about the currently selected ships:
        [-LIST]Resources: sum of all resources on your current location
        [-LIST]Total cargobay: size of cargobay of your current selection (doesnt consider the distance)
        [-LIST][ITEM]Small Cargo[] (available): needed amount of [ITEM]Small Cargo[] to load all resources
        [-LIST][ITEM]Large Cargo[] (available): needed amount of [ITEM]Large Cargo[] to load all resources
        [-LIST]Expedition points (limit): sum of ecpedition points of your current selection
        [-LIST]Maximum speed: slowest flightspeed among all selected ships

        the values are colored blue/green/red/orange in dependence of given limits:
        [-LIST][BLUE]blue[]: declares a limit
        [-LIST][RED]red[]: doesnt match the limit
        [-LIST][GREEN]green[]: matches the limit
        [-LIST][ORANGE]orange[]: not available

      • [HEADLINE]Calculator[]
        Hide/Show the Calculator by using the arrow-button at the top right corner or the headline above the ship selection area. AGO remembers the last used mode.
      • [HEADLINE]Routines & Shortcuts[]
        Hide/Show the list for Routine-Last, Routine-Standard and Shortcuts by using the arrow-button at the top right corner or the headline below the ship selection area. AGO remembers the last used mode.
        Presettings can be done at [SETTING]Fleet-Routines → Routine Last[] and at [SETTING]Fleet-Standards → Standard targets[].

      • [SHORTCUTS]Enter[] Select preferred Routine → Fleet2 (if no ships are selected)
      • [SHORTCUTS]A[] Select all ships
      • [SHORTCUTS]Q[] Select no ships
      • [SHORTCUTS]M[] Select most ships

      • [8.2.1|Show name or details on the ship images] Name & Details
        • [EXPLANATION]
          [OPTION]Name[] Shows the ship name on each image and removes its tooltip.
          [OPTION]Details[] Shows the ship speed on each image as well as [GREEN]remaining[] or [RED]missing[] ships.
          [OPTION]Name & Details[] Both.
        • [HINT]
          [RED]Missing[] ships are shown, when ships got preselected somewhere but there are not enough ships of this type (Preselecting e.g. in espionage report, missing/total resources or in a combat simulator)

      • [8.2.2|Select routine with the return key if no ships selected] - Routine Last
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Pressing the Return key at [FLEET1] uses the chosen routine and its defined presettings and leads to [FLEET2].
        • [HINT]
          It works only if no ship is selected.
          Presettings can be done at [SECTION]Fleet - Routines[].

      [8.3|Fleet II]
      • [HEADLINE]Ship summary[]
        Hide/Show the summary table for your currently selected ships by using the arrow-button at the top right corner or the headline above the ship selection area. AGO remembers the last used mode. You may detect missing ships with this summary table.
      • [HEADLINE]Routines & Shortcuts[]
        Hide/Show the list for Routine-Last, Routine-Standard and Shortcuts by using the arrow-button at the top right corner or the headline below the ship selection area. AGO remembers the last used mode.
        Presettings can be done at [SETTING]Fleet-Routines → Routine Last[] and at [SETTING]Fleet-Standards → Standard targets[].

      • [HEADLINE]Reference time[]
        If you pinned arrival times onto [SECTION]Infopanel-Tasks[] then you can add it as a reference time for timing purposes at [FLEET2] by clicking on the pinned info.
        [-LIST]1st time (colored duration time):
        red = fleet is too slow to delay (x>+30%)
        orange = fleet is about to delay (+0%<x<+30%)
        green = fleet is too fast to delay (x<+0%)
        [-LIST]2nd time (colored difference time):
        red = shows how much time you are above the limit to delay
        orange = shows how much time you are about to delay
        green = shows how much time you are below the arrival time. It is like a countdown to the point when you are able delay.

      • [8.3.1|Adjust speed for the available capacity or deuterium ]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Automatically Reduces the flightspeed in case of missing cargobay or deuterium untill it's possible to start the mission
        • [HINT]
          You are able to send [ITEM]Espionage Probe[] further away than 3 galaxies via the galaxyview

      [8.4|Fleet III]
      • [HEADLINE]Ship summary[]
        Hide/Show the summary table for your currently selected ships by using the arrow-button at the top right corner or the headline above the ship selection area. AGO remembers the last used mode. You may detect missing ships with this summary table.
      • [HEADLINE]Mission selection[]
        A mission is automatically selected in dependence of selected ships and the targets condition.
        Settings for the common use are at [SETTING]Fleet-Standards → Mission and type selection[], settings for the routine use are at [SECTION]Fleet-Routines[].

      • [HEADLINE]Resources loading[]
        Your preferred resource has an orange border and will be loaded at the first.
        The 'load most resources' button remains a given amount of resources and loads the rest.
        The remaining amount of resources is shown on the corresponding resource image. By clicking on it you switch the remaining amount with the currently loaded amount.
        Presettings can be found at [SETTING]Fleet-Standards → Standard ships and resources[].

      • [HEADLINE]Fleet-send button[]
        The fleet-send button is colored in dependence of loaded resources:
        green = all resources (total or from preselction) are loaded
        orange = not all resources (total or from preselection) are loaded
        red = no resources are loaded

      • [8.4.1|Remove warning that no further planets may be colonized]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Automatically confirms the annoying Ogame hint that no more planet can be colonized. It makes your Fleetsave via [COLONIZATION] more convenient.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by fl00ri ().