06. Main View

    • 06. Main View

      latest update: 05.08.2013

      • [6.1.1|Hide the 'Scripts' button if all tools are up to date]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          For some of your additionally installed scripts there will appear a Scripts-button, which departs added menus from the Ogame-menu and also shows, if they are up to date and tested for the current OGame patch. You can remove this useless button to shorten the overall menu.

      • [6.1.2|Show community, universe and next event time in windows title]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Shows the next event as the title of the current browser(-tab).
          Also visible in the taskbar if the browser is minimized.

      • [6.1.3|The OGame logo is linked to page] Overview
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Loads the selected Ogame page by clicking on the Ogame logo

      [6.2|Infopanel] Enable
      • [SETTING]Enable[] enables or disables all features of this subsection.

      • The tab Tools requires an enabled option Tools
      • Most of all tabs requires an enabled option Data collection
      • Showing player details requires an enabled option OGame API database

      • [HEADLINE]Settings[]
        Shows important AGO settings that targets the content of your current page to grant fast access and the ability to change them fast.

      • [HEADLINE]Tools[]
        Provides default and custom links which you can set up at [SECTION]Tools[], cotegorized by some topics.

      • [HEADLINE]Constructions[]
        Pin details of buildings/constructions/research onto the Infopanel by clicking on the ['i]-icon at the top right corner of its detailed info layer at the correspondig ogame site. You can set up level ranges, sum up by position and see the calculated information. Send needed resources by using the Transport-button: ships, coordinates and resources will be automatically set.

      • [HEADLINE]Stationed[]
        Shows stationed resources and ships for each of your positions (Auto) or for all of your positions summed up together (Total). The statusbar at the end shows when the used data was updated the last time (light_green=<10min | green=<1h | dark_green=>1h | red=no_data).

      • [HEADLINE]Tasks[]
        Automatically shows coordinates from a marked text. Additionally shows the arrival time of a pinned fleet movement - simply click on any shown time in the Events to add them. You can use this as a reference time for timing purposes by clicking on it at [Fleet2]. Remove it by clicking on the time shown on [Feet2].

      • [6.2.1|Visibility of the inactive panel] Hide (click)
        • [EXPLANATION]
          [OPTION]Hide (click)[] Hides the Infopanel. An arrow icon is placed next to the OGame logo, click on it to call up the Infopanel. It will disappear again when it becomes inactive.
          [OPTION]Hide[] Hides the Infopanel. An arrow icon is placed next to the OGame logo, hover over it to call up the Infopanel. It will disappear again when it becomes inactive.
          [OPTION]Weak[] Always shows the Infopanel. The Infopanel gets high transparency when it becomes inactive.
          [OPTION]Middle[] Always shows the Infopanel. The Infopanel gets medium transparency when it becomes inactive.
          [OPTION]Strong[] Always shows the Infopanel. The Infopanel gets low transparency when it becomes inactive.
          [OPTION]Show[] Always shows the Infopanel. It stays the same when it becomes inactive.

        • [HINT]
          Whenever you pin details onto the Infopanel it will be called up no matter the options.

      • [6.2.2|Infopanel box size (width - height)]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Change and optimize the size of the Infopanel depending on your screen resolution and window size.
        • [HINT]
          You can only define the minimum size. The Infopanel is always fitting into the free space automatically.

      [6.3|Planet list] Enable
      • [SETTING]Enable[] enables or disables all features of this subsection.

      • [HEADLINE]Orange Moon color[]
        Orange color for the coordinate and the planet name if the [MOON] is selected or the mouse hovers over it.
      • [HEADLINE]Jumpgate cooldown time[]
        Displays the cooldown time of the [JUMPGATE] next to the corresponding [MOON].
      • [HEADLINE]Red attack icon[]
        Shows the red icon for attacks instead of the orange.
      • [HEADLINE]Scroll down arrows[]
        You can scroll down to the next [PLANET](left) or [MOON](right) by clicking on the corresponding arrows in the corners of the colony count box. They disappear together with the box if you enable [SETTING]Shrink planet list size[].

      • [SHORTCUT]F1-F12[] Select current [PLANET]
      • [SHORTCUT]Shift F1-F12[] Select current [MOON]

      • [6.3.1|Moons on the right side with large active area]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          The [MOON] is shown on the right side with a bigger image.
          The right part of the complete selection area (ca. 30%) activates the change to the [MOON].

      • [6.3.2|Show construction titles]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          If any building is under construction, its name is shown at the corresponding [PLANET] or [MOON] in the planet list.

      • [6.3.3|Shrink planet list size]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Reduces the space between each [PLANET], removes the colony count box within the scroll down arrows, and moves the planet list to the top.

      • [6.3.4|Show function key number if they are activated]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          If [SETTING]Use function keys to select planet or moon[] is enabled at the tab [SECTION]Skin & Usability[], the number of the key is shown right beside the planet name.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by fl00ri ().