Galaxy panel jumps when pressing ctrl+a, ctrl+c/Phalanx problems. (2 Users with this Problem)

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    • Galaxy panel jumps when pressing ctrl+a, ctrl+c/Phalanx problems. (2 Users with this Problem)

      Hey again,

      Franco, I really don't wish to be wasting your time, but I either found an AGO bug or some functionality I do not understand.

      You might remember replying to this topic of mine yesterday. It made me aware of a strange bug in the galaxy view. When pressing ctrl+a, ctrl + c and then left-clicking inside the galaxy panel OGame automatically navigates to another sun system. It does not happen with AGO disabled. It also does not happen when clicking outside the actual galaxy panel (e.g. underneith your planet list).

      Or is this an intended functionality? Some kind of quick navigation thingy? I assume fixing this issue is not of highest importance, as probably no player copy/pastes the galaxy page just for fun. Just thought you might find it interesting and I'd like to know why this happens.

      Best regards and thx for your patience

      *EDIT: This behaviour can of course be reproduced without using my programme - just the keyboard ;) Tried Firefox and Chrome.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by dadoosh: too much to read ().

    • Phalanx problems.

      So anytime I phalanx some one and see fleet and go to copy it to paste on a note pad, It just loads what ever the first set of numbers that brings up cords. I would like to turn this off or stop it with out removing Anti game. I am not a strong reader and have been looking in posts and such for a while now and even asking friends for help, and still nothing. So i am turning to this PLEASE help, I might just be missing the option to turn this off if it is an option. but please anyone know what i am talking about or just now how to stop it please tell me for the love of god befor i blow up and just stop using this great add-on all together.
    • Yes the cords at top of that list mach the gal it opens, and i said any numbers that give an open able gal, because the first time i noticed it was because it was on a hit at 01:30 ish server time and opened that gal when every thing was taking place in g2.
    • For the time being, I successfully copy/pasted the ships from the phalanx panel without the galaxy navigating elsewhere. Just try to really just select the ships' table without "hitting" anything else.

      (I know it's in German, but I guess you can figure it out ;) )