OGST CR converter (com.hr ,org, si, ba)

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    • OGST CR converter
      • Info : This is a Combat report converter for convert and post HoF on GFs official boards.
      • Author : Onlime Games Support Tools
      • Website : ogstools.com/
      • Tool : ogstools.com/ogame/crconv.php
      • Browser : All
      • Languages : HU / ORG / SI / BA

        Some help with using:
        konvertiraj -> convert
        Ovdje kopirajte izvještaj borbe -> here copy CR
        Neispravan izvještaj -> Report Incorrect
        Postavke: -> Setup
        Upišite tagove saveza: -> write allies tags
        Kopirajte izvještaje reciklera: -> add recyclers report
        Kopirajte izvještaje farminga: -> add raids report ( short or full CR it doesn't matter)
        Prikaži borbene tehnologije -> show in report battle technics
        Prikaži profit ( *kao napadač /*kao branitelj) -> Show profit ( * ass attacker / * ass defender )

        Report window:
        Prijavi grešku -> Report bug
        Opis problema: -> Bug description
        E-mail: -> add your e-mail

        Izvještaj borbe: -> CR report (mostly it's already there so you don't need to add it)

      This tools is tolerated.

      Thanks for your nice work.

      Regards, Francolino