Pinned Templates - Overview & Usage

  • Templates - Overview & Usage

    • Templates are usual wiki pages. Calling a template inserts the complete content at this place;

    • All translations for the templates stays in the database Data:Translation/TLD wiki sites – Contact your Representative for any problems regarding this;

    • All templates: Template List.

    Template groups
  • PageHead
    • Templates for general page design / management
    • Contains all other templates in the head of a page
    • Templates list

      • {{PageHead-Tutorial}}
        To use copy the following text, to force a special title use the second version

        Source Code

        1. {{PageHead-Tutorial}}
        2. {{PageHead-Tutorial|Force this title|TOC}}

      • {{PageHead-Guide}}
        To use copy the following text, to force a special title use the second version

        Source Code

        1. {{PageHead-Guide}}
        2. {{PageHead-Guide|Force this title|TOC}}

      • {{PageHead-Info}}
        To use copy the following text, to force a special title use the second version

        Source Code

        1. {{PageHead-Info}}
        2. {{PageHead-Info|Force this title|TOC}}

      • {{PageHead-Wiki}}
        To use copy the following text, to force a special title use the second version

        Source Code

        1. {{PageHead-Wiki}}
        2. {{PageHead-Wiki|Force this title|TOC}}

    • Templates for the foot of a page
    • Templates list

      • {{PageFoot-Tutorial}}
        To use copy the following text

        Source Code

        1. {{PageFoot-Tutorial}}

      • {{PageFoot-Guide}}
        To use copy the following text

        Source Code

        1. {{PageFoot-Guide}}

      • {{PageFoot-Info}}
        To use copy the following text

        Source Code

        1. {{PageFoot-Info}}

      • {{PageFoot-Ships}}
        To use copy the following text

        Source Code

        1. {{PageFoot-Tutorial}}

    Page templates for special use
    • Use the following templates only temporary or in special cases!

  • Link
    • Please replace special chars in links like

      Source Code

      with the URL encoded version
      = with %3d
      ? with %3f
    • A tool URL Decoder/Encoder
    • Please encode only "index.php?page=Index" in this example to "index.php%3Fpage%3DIndex"

      • {{Link| page | title }}
        Links to other Wiki pages
        - page: The wiki page url (e.g "Info:Ticket system guide")
        - title: Force this title to show - Please use this function only for special case (e.g to give a sentences a better flow)

      • {{LinkBoard| complete URL | title }}
        Links to forums
        - complete URL: Complete URL to the board or thread or post
        - title: Title to show

      • {{LinkPicture| complete URL | title }}
        Links to pictures
        - complete URL: Complete URL to the picture
        - title: Title to show
  • Detail templates
    • Templates to list details for a building, research, ship...
    • Details will automatically added and translated (thanks to Data:Translation/TLD)
    • Templates list

      • {{Detail-Building|English name|Description}}
        Show the requirements for a building
        - English name: The bulding name in english
        - Description: The bulding description in your language

      • {{Detail-Defense|English Name|Description}}
        Show the cost and the technical data for a given defense
        - English name: The defense name in english
        - Description: The defense description in your language

      • {{Detail-Premium|English name|Description}}
        Show the premium feature immagine, with description and cost
        - English name: The feature name in english (Dark Matter, Commander, Admiral, Technocrat, Geologist, Engineer)
        - Description: The feature description in your language

      • {{Detail-Research|English name|Description}}
        Show the requirements for a given research
        - English name: The research name in english
        - Description: The research description in your language

      • {{Detail-Ship|English name|Description}}
        Show the cost and the technical data for a given ship
        - English name: The ship name in english
        - Description: The ship description in your language
  • Overview
    • Show special overview
    • Contents will automatically translated (thanks to Data:Translation/TLD)
    • Templates list

      • {{Overview-PlanetParameter}}
        Show a table with some importants parameters for a planet, sort by position
        To use copy the following text

        Source Code

        1. {{Overview-PlanetParameter}}

      • {{Overview-Rapidfire}}
        Show the rapid fire for a given ship
        To use copy the following text

        Source Code

        1. {{Overview-Rapidfire|Ship in english}}

      • {{Overview-Ships}}
        Show a table with all the important infos for all the ships - contents can be sorted
        To use copy the following text

        Source Code

        1. {{Overview-Ships}}
  • General Infoboxes
    • Show special infobox
    • Infobox title will automatically translated (thanks to Data:Translation/TLD)
    • Templates list

    • {{Infobox-Example}}
      Usage: Every Line could be empty - use   to force empty lines

      Source Code

      1. {{Infobox-Example| Description of this example in italic (could be empty)
      2. | Line 1
      3. | Line 2
      4. | Line 3
      5. | Line 4
      6. | Line 5
      7. | Line 6
      8. | Line 7
      9. }}

    • {{Infobox-Formula}}
      Usage: Every Label/Formula pair could be empty - use   to force empty lines

      Source Code

      1. {{Infobox-Formula|Description of this formula in italic (could be empty)
      2. |Label 1|Formula 1
      3. |Label 2|Formula 2
      4. |Label 3|Formula 3
      5. |Label 4|Formula 4
      6. |Label 5|Formula 5
      7. }}

    • {{Infobox-Notice}}
      To use copy the following text and replace the notice text

      Source Code

      1. {{Infobox-Notice|The text for the notice}}

    • {{Infobox-Reward}}
      To use copy the following text and replace the reward text

      Source Code

      1. {{Reward|The reward you can get in your language}}
  • General
    Creates team tables
    • {{Team-National}}
      • Show the national wiki team
      • To use copy the following text

        Source Code

        1. {{Team-National|TLD|1}}

      • Teamlers will automatically added
      • For any problems contact your representative (they can edit Data:Teams)

    • {{Team-Origin}}
      • Show the Origin wiki team
      • To use copy the following text

        Source Code

        1. {{Team-Origin|de}}