Announcement How to - Wiki

  • How to - Wiki

    • Please register only an account if you are interested to help us: Register account / Login
      – right now, is not possible to register an account, so poke Francolino, Kramagon, PitA, Hyadre if you wanna help us.

    • Talk with the representative of your community to give you edit access.
      - You find all team member here Main Page

    How wiki links works
    • Links without TLD: shows you the national site IF it exists, otherwise you see the international (english) version!
      - for example

      Source Code


    • Links with TLD: force the wiki to show the national site or offer to create it.
      - for example

      Source Code


    • Links with / at the end: forces the wiki to show the international (english) version - these are your templates to copy
      - for example

      Source Code


    • DON'T create national pages without content for a longer time. This prevents showing the international (english) version!

    General hints about editing a wiki
    • The wiki has a great strength: you can not go wrong any, really, any change can be made easily reversed. So have no fear and try out. Trial and error. And we'll help you.

    • Please use the international (english) version as example for included templates and links to other pages. You can reach the international (english) version when you click on the Ogame flag (the first one) or when a URL ends with the /
      - for example

      Source Code


    • You create a new page with adding /TLD
      - an example for Greece

      Source Code


      - Now you can create and edit the new page.

    • You can copy the complete english code to your national page and change the text.

    • Care about the template commands:
      - Only a few templates like {{Detail-Research|Link to the picture| A longer explanation , please translate }} needs your work;
      - {{Link|Guide:Combat system}} Don't touch anything;
      - You find all about the templates here Templates - Overview & Usage

    • Screenshots: The Wiki shows by default the english version (at the moment it's the first german version - the english one is coming soon). Later i create all Screenshots to use the same masks.

    • Please use in general ONE empty line between page elements. We give more space with CSS if necessary.

    • Here you find all finished international (english) and german pages Guides Area

    • All tutorials contains this important templates (Please don't touch the orange text):


      your Content here ...

      ==This is a headline==

      your Content here ...


    Help & questions

    Important threads & details