pinned fleet and mission in TASKs:
inside the tooltip of that mission icons will be listet the playername and fleet (after linespacer).
(in addition there could be a linespacer below the fleet and then the links to any Combatsimulator.
it would be great to simulate any detected fleet with automatically set values)
So you would be able to pin all important information onto the Infopanel just by clicking on any flight time!
- foreign missions will get the triangle image in the color of the mission:
(more info here)
- own missions will get the ship image in the color of the mission:
(more info here)
- rockets are in white: foreign
, own
- fleets on the way back can be grey: foreign
, own
- fleetsave icon can be purple:
inside the tooltip of that mission icons will be listet the playername and fleet (after linespacer).
(in addition there could be a linespacer below the fleet and then the links to any Combatsimulator.
it would be great to simulate any detected fleet with automatically set values)
So you would be able to pin all important information onto the Infopanel just by clicking on any flight time!
The post was edited 2 times, last by fl00ri ().