Pinned Wiki is Coming!... We need you!

    • Hi Origin users/stafers!!

      We have great news for you today!

      Our OGame Wiki is really close to be public!

      Almost all of our Wiki basic tutorials have been updated in order to contain all the new content that has been implemented in OGame during the last game versions:

      Guides Area - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics

      There you will be able to find all the discussion around each tutorial, the improvements, updates, etc.
      For sure, any kind of contribution is really welcome.

      After this updating phase, and looking to the future implementation of the Official GF OGame Wki ingame, we'll need some help to update it in all the languages available.

      You can find the English Templates that are ready to be translated here: English Templates - Wiki

      We have changed our translation workflow in order to simplify it as much as possible for you and your translations team. Please read carefully our new Overview & How to Translate thread and feel free to ask as much as you want about this new workflow here: Questions thread for Origin Translators

      Pick an English template, update your translated tutorial using your Origin Localized subboard, and when you finish with it, let us know by creating a post here: Translations Finished - Checked & Ready

      Your work is really important for us in this phase of the Wiki implementation so don't hesitate to poke or contact any of us to help you as much as you need (you can poke/contact Hyadre, since he's the Wiki Area responsible for the Wiki content, or any Origin Admin and/or Board Supporter)

      Soon, we'll perform some IRC meetings to detail much more the coming Wiki implementation phases at our IRC channels (and of course, you can use them for questions about Wiki basic tutorials translations/updates tasks).

      We'll keep you posted about.

      Thank you all for all the effort made in the past... really awesome... and thank you in advance for the support in the next steps :)

      Your Origin Team