03. Skin & Usabilty

    • 03. Skin & Usabilty

      latest update: 16.09.2013

      • [|Use included OGame images instead of loading via internet] -
        • [EXPLANATION]
          customize the OGame background and decrease its loading time
          [OPTION]-[] still load the images from the OGame server
          [OPTION]OGame[] use the normal OGame images from the AGOextension folder on your PC
          [OPTION]Middle[] use slightly darkened OGame images from the AGOextension folder on your PC
          [OPTION]Dark[] use strongly darkened OGame images from the AGOextension folder on your PC
          [OPTION]Color[] choose and use a background color instead of the images

        [|Color for the OGame background] Color
        • [EXPLANATION]
          select the color of the background if you have chosen to use a background color instead of the images

      • [3.1.2|Use an external skin (please only trusted webserver)]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Add the full path to the folder with the CSS-file and images. Please only use your own webserver or trusted one.
          This example colors the background red: antigame.de/antigame/skin/test.css

      • [3.2.1|Perform actions with a doubleclick]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          [FLEET1]: doubleclick on the 'Next-button' will select all ships AND go to Fleet 2
          [FLEET2]: doubleclick on a target-link will select the target AND go to Fleet 3
          [FLEET3]: doubleclick on a mission will select the mission AND send the fleet
          [JUMPGATE]: doubleclick on a target link will select the target AND jump to it

      • [|Use keyboard shortcuts]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Activates keyboard shortcuts on some OGame pages. For details see the Shortcut-list in its corresponding section. (In some cases the modifier key Shift is needed)

        [|Use function keys to select planet or moon]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Activates the function keys to select any [PLANET] (F1 - F12) or [MOON] (Shift + F1 - F12). The key number is added to the planet list and follows its order.
          It's working on all OGame pages except at [JUMPGATE] and [FLEET2]

      • [3.2.3|Block Auto-Complete for input fields]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Once you typed any number in an input field the next time you are doing that an popup will be shown below the field, which consists of former used numbers that are starting with the same digit.
          This unnecessary und annoying popup can be blocked.

      • [3.2.4|Use visual selection feedback]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          [-LIST]Highlights your current position in the planetlist:[]
          [GREEN]green background[]: the [PLANET] is your current position
          [ORANGE]orange background[]: the [MOON] is your current position
          [-LIST]Adds a border to the corresponding planet in the planetlist, if you select your own coordinates as target in [FLEET2] or [JUMPGATE]:[]
          [GREEN]green border[]: [PLANET] is selected as target
          [ORANGE]orange border[]: [MOON] is selected as target
          [WHITE]white border[]: [DEBRIS] is selected as target

      • [3.2.5|Improvements for mobile devices] Auto
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Improve the behaviour and visualization on mobile devices.
          [-LIST]Immediately opens the keyboard panel on pageload at all Fleet pages.[]

      • [3.2.6|Enable the touch gestures] Auto
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Adds more functions to your mouse/touch movements and actions:
          Galaxy: swipe to the left/right will lead to the previous/next system.

        • [HINT]
          swipe = click and move sidewards while holding

      • [3.2.7|Change the behaviour of tooltips] Improve behaviour
        • [EXPLANATION]
          You can change the tooltip display behaviour by the following options:
          Doesn't change the tooltip behaviour.
          [OPTION]Improve behaviour[]
          Improves the behaviour of important tooltips and shows small tooltips delayed (recommended).
          [OPTION]Show important only[]
          Improves the behaviour of important tooltips and hides all other

      • [3.2.8|Delay for showing of tooltips with close button] -
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Delays the appearance of large tooltips that contain a button to close them.
          Such tooltips exist mainly in the Galaxy.

      • [3.2.9|Delay for hiding of tooltips with close button] 1.0
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Delays the disappearance of large tooltips that contain a button to close them.
          Such tooltips exist mainly in the Galaxy.

      The post was edited 12 times, last by fl00ri: originally by fl00ri ().