08. Fleet - Calculator

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    • 08. Fleet - Calculator

      • Advanced Calculator for many uses, connected to several AntiGame Origin features & settings

      [C.1|General] - latest update: 05.08.2013
      general improvements, that are passivly added

        • The Calculator is always active (fleet page 1) but you can hide it by using the green arrow. AGO will store the latest behaviour.
        • All needed settings for sending a fleet can be done in the Calculator at Fleet1. So you already see information and change settings like at Fleet3, but you can exchange ships aswell at the same time.

      • [EXAMPLE]
        • You want to send resources to a planet/moon with the arrival time in 4h (as exactly as possible). So you dont know if its the best way to send Large Cargo or Small Cargo, because of flight duration and deuterium cost.
          {This may be interesting for Miner/Trader}
        • You mark the coordinates from your target colony from the planetlist, so you automatically pin this coordinates on the Task tab of the Infopanel.
          You go to FLeet1 and click on the pinned coordinate to set in the target for the Calculator.
        • You take Large Cargo and lower the flightspeed to get to 4h as best as possible. You change selection to Small Cargo and compare duration and deuterium consumption. Take the best result for your purpose and send fleet afterwards.
        • After this you dont need the Calculator for a longer time and close it with the green arrow so that your ship selection field will move and stay at the top again for your next actions.

      [C.2|Functionality] - latest update: 05.08.2013
      buttons and links, that target the Calculator + behaviour and usability of the Calculator

        there are external and internal funktions/buttons, that act together with the Calculator:
        • External:
          • Transport-Button in Construction tab of Infopanel
          • 'Set simulated ships in OGame!' from any CombatSimulator
          • any Routine mission on Fleet1 (AGO menu in tab 'Fleet-Routines')
          • Coordinate-links from the tab 'Tasks' of the Infopanel and from the planet-box of the current player
          • active links for needed Cargo Ship to carry loot from a spy report.

        • Internal:
          • click on resource image = select total amount of this resource and show needed Cargo Ships to carry them
          • click on ship-button = select all ships of this type to carry calculated resources
          • orange resource loading buttons = like in Fleet3
          • you can set coordinates and flight speed at the top left area to see the flight duration of the cargo ship types

      • [EXAMPLE]
        • You want to fill your free movement slots with farm raids. But you need to go offline for some hours and so you wish that all rour raids will come back at almost the same time.
          {This may be interesting for Farmer/Raider}
        • Option1) You go to Fleet2, mark all Routine Standard targets to pin coordinates onto infopanel. Set them in the Calculator in Fleet1 and adjust the duration for LC or SC (wether is matching the best)
        • Option2) You use the amount of needed LC/SC from the loot table of the spyreport, this will automatically set the corresponding coordinates, too. You still can change to the other cargo ship types to adjust the duration (wether is matching the best)
        • Option3) You have a strong inactive player as target for which you need to use a Combat Simulator. After you done this you click "Set simulated ships in OGame". In Fleet1 setted ship types can be removed and readded, so that you can find out the best time for your purpose (with splitted fleet attacking as an ACS). After you found the best time you start with that selection and create the ACS to add the other parts of the needed fleet. (click the button in the simulator again and remove the already started part from that selection - you can split you fleet even more if you wish)

        automatic duration modulation will come soon, where you could be able to automatically let ships matching the reference time from pinned arrival times of any fleet as best as possible.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by fl00ri: originally by fl00ri ().