"fl00ri" wrote:
- You can change settings for the whole Infopanel at the AGO tab "Main View → Infopanel" (see here)
- The Panel must be enabled for a full „Data collection“ (e.g. at „Buildings & Constructions“ - see here)
- Some features of the Panel requires an enabled „Ogame API database“ for full functionality (see here)
[I.1|Settings] - latest update: 04.07.2013
Shows some settings that normally are in the AGO menu.
On each OGame page the most important feature settings are shown.
- This provides a fast access to change some settings via the Panel (very useful if you attempt to change a setting for a short duration only). Changed settings are saved permanently.
- Besides it shows features you maybe didnt noticed in the AGO menu so far.
- In the Panel are special features that arent listed in the AGO menu:
- Always select planet/moon as target on default [on Fleet1]
(it is possible to always let the planet be selected as target if you are going to send a fleet from a moon, etc.)
- Go to Fleet1 and click through the pages up to Fleet3 (with opened tab Settings). You will see corresponding settings appear. Change a setting and test the result.
[I.2|Tools] - latest update: 04.07.2013
Shows some links to simulators, calculators, search engines and wikis sorted by categories in blue letters.
You can add, remove or customize them in the tab Tools in the AGO menu (see here)
There can be automatically set values by using the links depending on some AGO settings
(You need to define the parameters for your added links – see here):
- search engines will search for the player where your current selection is active
(shown by the planet box below the Ogame menu)- combat simulators will take needed technologies if available and your combat ships or your defined amount of ships
(settings at Tools → Common)- [EXAMPLE]
- you wish to add a search-link to gamestats that will automatically search for the current player. So you visit this webpage, select your univers and search for yourself. You click on your name (url changes from search to display) and then you copy out the url and replace your name with the parameter, e.g.:
ogame.gamestats.org/org/115/details/player/[PLAYERNAME]- Then you go to tab Tools of the AGO menu and create a new link for Search. After saving you can go to the galaxyview, click on any player (planet box appears) and then you use the new link in the Panel...
- links with an alliance parameter can be used only in the tooltip of an alliance in the galaxyview. e.g.
[I.3|Constructions] - latest update: 05.07.2013
Shows all pinned info boxes for the levelup of any building/construction.
You can summarize values for the same position and substract resources in flight.
The integrated Transport-button takes over all values to Fleet1/2/3 for fleet sending.
In the Construction tab you can see the advanced infobox for any research, building or construction of ships/defense which you need to pin onto the Panel by clicking the "[-i]-icon" on the image (from a planet = colored green, from a moon = colored orange). All pinned infos will update whenever you visit the position where the box belongs to.
- Total resources
Shows the total resources (cost) on the planet where you want to build something up.
The bin-icon next to it will remove the pinned box from the Panel.- Stationed
Shows the stationed resources on the planet where you want to build something up.
The enabled checkbox next to it will substract this amount from the total cost (it builds the overall needed resources).
Values are colored green if there are enough resources to start building the selected construction (red, if not).- Shipment
Shows the amount of resources that already is on the way to the buildings position (shipment of several fleets summarized).
The enabled checkbox next to it will substract this amount from the total cost (it builds the overall needed resources).
Values are colored green if there are enough resources to start building the selected construction (red, if not).- Available resources
Shows the stationed resources on your current position from where you want to send the needed resources.
The enabled checkbox next to it will use this values to calculate the overall missing resources and also enables the Transport-button.
Values are colored green if there are enough resources to start building the selected construction (red, if not).- Missing resources
Shows the missing stationed resources for both positions summarized together (without Shipment).
Values are colored green if there are enough resources to start building the selected construction (red, if not).- Transport-Button
click it to jump to Fleet1 and auto select needed cargo ships to carry the overall missing resources. Your preferred cargo type will be chosen (define in AGO menu). The amount of needed ships is shown below.
This overall missing amount will be taken (at Fleet3) by using the Transport-Button.
Values are colored green if there are enough resources to start building the selected construction (red, if not).
{you can change presettings for "Routine Transport" in the AGO tab "Fleet - Routines"}- [EXAMPLE]
- you collected all resources from your positions and so you want to build a crystal mine somewhere. You go to Resources on the chosen planet and open the infobox of the crystal mine, then you click the [-i]-icon to „pin details onto Panel“.
- You go back to the planet from where you want to send the overall missing resources and open the Stationed tab to check the calculation (Stationed and Available resources must be enabled). At the end you click the Transport-button which will select missing cargo ships, coordinates and resources automatically. Just click through the fleet pages up to the fleet sending button and start the mission.
- After you sent the fleet you decide to also build a Death Star on that planet. You pin the details for it onto the Panel and check the box next to Shipment. The already sent resources will be substracted from the missing resources.
- Before you send the 2nd fleet you see, that you can start a research there aswell. You pin the details for it onto the Panel and check the very first checkbox „Summarized by position“. So the calculator will show the values for both the Death Star and the research summarized together (delete all other pinned boxes of the same coordinate).
[I.4|Stationed] - latest update: 04.07.2013
Shows all stationed resources and ships on each of your planets/moons.
Marks each position with a statusbar that dependently changes its color.
- All resources and ships departed in their types are shown at the bottom of the tab for your current selection (planet=green, moon=orange) or summed up for all position (Total/Auto in 1st line).
- Therefor the correponding values have to be as up to date as possible.
The only way to update your values is to visit the Fleet1/Shipyard page at each of your positions.- The statusbar In the Panel next to your positions shows the time difference to the last date when you updated the values for it.
neon green = less then 10min | dark green = less then 1h | orange = more then 1h | red = no data available- [EXAMPLE]
- You want to build an expensive building and you wonder if you already have the needed resources lying devided among your planets. So you want to sum up all stationed resources on your positions:
- You jump to the ogame menu Fleet1, move the mouse to the colony-count box at the top of the planetlist of Ogame to call up the feature „Planetlist“ (enable the feature group - for the general settings only). You click on the green down-arrow untill you visited each of your positions. In this way your values were updated.
- You open the stationed tab in the Panel and then click in the first line on „Total / Auto“ to see all of your ressources (and ships) summed up together.
- So you are able to compare the calculated values with the buildings cost directly!
[I.5|Tasks] - latest update: 04.07.2013
Marking any full coordinate will auto copy it to the Tasks tab.
Marking any flighttime will auto copy coordinates and arrival time to the Task tab.
- This provides a fast access to up to 20 coordinates. You are able to insert by a single click the coordinates in Fleet1 (where you can also use the calculator).
- There are external websites that supports the auto copy feature, like
Websim, Osimulate, all Galaxytool pages, WarRiders and a few other.- Marked arrival times can be used in Fleet2. You'll add it as a reference time to your time table for comparing it with your current action.
Current times below the reference time are colored green, times above the reference time are colored orange. Click on the reference line in Fleet2 to remove it from there.- [EXAMPLE]
- In a phalanx you detected a fleet you want to crash. So you just click on the flight time to pin coordinates and arrival time onto the Panel (fleet composition still have to be noted).
- After simulating the combat and selecting the ships in Fleet1 you reach Fleet2 where you can add the reference time by clicking on the pinned info (coordinates are set aswell).
- Change your flightspeed up to the last value in green font (orange would be too slow). Then you just need to pay attention to the green reference time that works as a countdown for your fleet start at Fleet3.
..::Edit by TheViking | Needs to be updated. Some Links ar still for old AGO Board::..
EDIT by fl00ri:
links has been updated, but the content still needs a few improvements^^

The post was edited 3 times, last by fl00ri: displaying issue ().