AGO - Color codes

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    • AGO - Color codes

      Source Code

      1. .ago_color_white { color: #FFFFFF ! important; } /* textWhite */
      2. .ago_color_brighter { color: #EFEBE2; } /* textBrighter */
      3. .ago_color_bright { color: #CFCBC2; } /* textBright */
      4. .ago_color_light { color: #A1A1A1; } /* textLight */
      5. .ago_color_normal { color: #848484; } /* textNormal */
      6. .ago_color_menu { color: #767F88; } /* textMenu GF menu */
      7. .ago_color_menuinactive { color: #343739; } /* textMenuInactive GE menu */
      8. .ago_color_blue { color: #6F9FC8 ! important; } /* textBlue blue text */
      9. .ago_color_bluegrey { color: #8C9EAA ! important; } /* textBlueGrey */
      10. .ago_color_bluenote { color: #3344CC ! important; } /* textBlueNote Notemarks */
      11. .ago_color_green { color: #008000 ! important; } /* textGreen */
      12. .ago_color_lightgreen { color: #00B000 ! important; } /* textLightGreen */
      13. .ago_color_limegreen { color: #99CC00 ! important; } /* textLimeGreen undermark - needs important only in fleet 1 - small and large cargo */
      14. .ago_color_orange { color: #FF9600 ! important; } /* textOrange - needs important only in fleet 1 - small and large cargo */
      15. .ago_color_lightorange { color: #FFB500 ! important; } /* textLightOrange */
      16. .ago_color_limeorange { color: #FD8A1C ! important; } /* textLimeOrange */
      17. .ago_color_darkorange { color: #FF4B00 ! important; } /* textDarkOrange */
      18. .ago_color_darkerorange { color: #A26D00 ! important; } /* textDarkerOrange */
      19. .ago_color_red { color: #FF0000; } /* textRed */
      20. .ago_color_palered { color: #D43635 ! important; } /* textPaleRed overmark - needs important only in fleet 1 - small and large cargo / total capacity */
      21. /*.ago_color_active { color: #FFFFFF; } not used */ /* textActive */
      22. /*.ago_color_inactive { color: #6E6E6E; } not used */ /* textInactive */
      23. .ago_color_planet { color: #99CC00 ! important; } /* textLimeGreen needs important to color a tags */
      24. .ago_color_moon { color: #FD8A1C ! important; } /* textLimeOrange needs important to color a tags */
      25. .ago_color_debris { color: #FFFFFF ! important; } /* textWhite needs important to color a tags */
      26. .ago_color_shortkey { color: #3344CC; } /* textBlueNote */
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      Source Code

      1. // Section Coloring - Player status
      2. /*M*/ C20: [ 0 ], // Status colors
      3. /*M*/ C21: [ '#CFCBC2' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Active
      4. /*M*/ C22: [ '#6E6E6E' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Inactive
      5. /*M*/ C23: [ '#4F4F4F' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Long inactive
      6. /*M*/ C24: [ '#05FF08' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Noob
      7. /*M*/ C25: [ '#FF0000' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Strong
      8. /*M*/ C26: [ '#FFFF66' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Honorable
      9. /*M*/ C27: [ '#FF33FF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Outlaw
      10. /*M*/ C28: [ '#FFFFFF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Banned
      11. /*M*/ C29: [ '#00FFFF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Vacation
      12. /*M*/ C30: [ '#F48406' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Admin
      13. // Section Coloring - Friendly
      14. /*M*/ C40: [ 0 ], // Friendly colors
      15. C41: [ '#008000' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Alliance
      16. C42: [ '#008000' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Wing
      17. C43: [ '#008000' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Bootcamp
      18. C44: [ '#008080' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Confederation
      19. C45: [ '#008080' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Trader
      20. C46: [ '#008080' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Trader 2
      21. C47: [ '#226EBF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Buddies
      22. C48: [ '#226EBF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Friends
      23. C49: [ '#226EBF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Friends 2
      24. // Section Coloring - Hostile
      25. /*M*/ C60: [ 0 ], // Hostile colors
      26. C61: [ '#ffff00' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Attackable
      27. C62: [ '#ffff00' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Observe
      28. C63: [ '#ffff00' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Observe 2
      29. C64: [ '#ffa500' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Farm
      30. C65: [ '#ffa500' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Farm 2
      31. C66: [ '#ff4500' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Target
      32. C67: [ '#ff0000' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Attack
      33. C68: [ '#ff0000' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Enemy
      34. C69: [ '#ff0000' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // War
      35. // Section Coloring - Current
      36. /*M*/ C80: [ 0 ], // Current colors
      37. /*M*/ C81: [ '#1031A0' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Current
      38. /*M*/ C85: [ '#764DFF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Special
      39. /*M*/ C89: [ '#FF1ADA' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Attacking
      40. /*M*/ C91: [ '#D43635' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Plunder
      41. /*M*/ C92: [ '#D43635' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Plunder 2
      42. /*M*/ C93: [ '#D43635' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Debris field
      43. /*M*/ C94: [ '#D43635' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Debris field 2
      44. /*M*/ C95: [ '#D43635|88' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Debris field change
      45. /*M*/ C96: [ '#764DFF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Activity
      46. /*M*/ C97: [ '#764DFF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Activity 2
      47. /*M*/ C98: [ '#764DFF|88' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR_RGBA , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Activity change
      48. C99: [ '#FFFFFF' , AGO.Data.TYPE_COLOR , AGO.Data.OPTION ], // Remove group
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