Pinned [H] Hotkeys

    • [H] Hotkeys

      also check this similiar thread if it is more up to date

      • native hotkeys (used by OGame now) = white
      • custom hotkeys (used by AGO now) = yellow
      • new hotkeys (used by AGO soon) = green

      latest update: 27.10.2013

      • Enable all hotkeys from AGO (yellow font) by checking 'Use keyboard shortcuts'
        and 'Use function keys to select planet or moon'
        in the AGO menu at 'Skin & Usability → Usability'
      • If you disable setting-groups you'll stop AGO from working on the corresponding pages, so the hotkeys wont work there anymore, too. (e.g. dont uncheck 'Enable' at 'Buildings & Constructions → Jump Gate')

      • [Enter] .............. refresh page

      • [F1-F12] ............ Select current Planet
      • [Shift + F1-F12] ... Select current Moon

      [H.3|Jump Gate]
      • [Double click] ...... Select this target Moon and jump
      • [Enter] .............. Jump
      • [Esc] ................ Close the JumpGate
      • [F1-F12] ............ Select the target Moon
      • [↑] ................... Increase the amount in the input field by 1
        • [Shift + ↑] .............. by 10
        • [Ctrl + ↑] ............... by 100
        • [Ctrl + Shift + ↑] ...... by 1000

      • [↓] ................... Decrease the amount in the input field by 1
        • [Shift + ↓] .............. by 10
        • [Ctrl + ↓] ............... by 100
        • [Ctrl + Shift + ↓] ...... by 1000

      • [A] .................. Select all ships
      • [Q] .................. Select no ships
      • [M] .................. Select most ships (defined at 'Select remaining ships and default target Moon')

      • [Enter] .............. Display again
      • [↑] ................... Next galaxy
      • [↓] ................... Previous galaxy
      • [→] .................. Next system
      • [D] ................... Next system
      • [←] .................. Previous system
      • [A] ................... Previous system
      • [Space] .............. go further in direction (given by your last action "next system" or "previous system")
      • [Shift + T] .......... Toggle highlighting on/off

      [H.5|Messages] (hotkeys are shown in blue font inside of the buttons tooltip)
      • [V] ................. Mark shown or marked messages as read
      • [<] ................. Delete shown or marked Spy reports with plunder less than <amount> and debris less than <amount>
      • [C] ................. Delete shown or marked Combat reports with loss of <number> thousand units or below
      • [E] .................. Delete shown or marked Expedition combats and results
      • [P] .................. Delete shown or marked Player messages
      • [S ] ................. Delete shown or marked messages with subject 'Espionage action on'
      • [R] .................. Delete shown or marked messages with subject 'Return of a fleet'
      • [1] .................. Delete shown or marked messages with subject '<term>'
      • [2] .................. Delete shown or marked messages with subject '<term>'
      • [3] .................. Delete shown or marked messages with subject '<term>'
      • [X] .................. Delete all shown or marked messages.

      [H.6.1|Fleet 1]
      • [Enter] .............. Select preferred Routine → Fleet2 (if no ships are selected)
      • [Enter] .............. Go next → Fleet3 (if ships are selected)
      • [Shift + C] .......... Toggle the Claculator
      • [A] .................. Select all ships
      • [Q] .................. Select no ships
      • [M] .................. Select most ships (defined at 'Select remaining ships and default target Moon')
      • [Shift + A] .......... Select all resources in Calculator
      • [Shift + Q] .......... Select no resources in Calculator
      • [Shift + M] .......... Select most resources in Calculator (defined at 'Fleet - Standard → Standard ships and resources')
      • [→] .................. Select next flight speed in Calculator
      • [←] .................. Select previous flight speed in Calculator

      [H.6.2|Fleet 2]
      • [Enter] .............. Go next → Fleet3
      • [Esc] ................ Go back → Fleet1
      • [Shift + C] .......... Toggle info-box for current ship selection
      • [→] .................. Select next flight speed
      • [←] .................. Select previous flight speed
      • [L + ↓] ............... Select next Routine Last
      • [L + ↑] ............... Select previous Routine Last
      • [S + ↓] ............... Select next Routine Standard
      • [S + ↑] ............... Select previous Routine Standard
      • [F1-F12] ............. Select target Planet
      • [Shift + F1-F12] .... Select target Moon
      • [Ctrl + F1-F12] ..... Select target Debris Field

      [H.6.3|Fleet 3]
      • [Enter] .............. Send fleet → movement
      • [Esc] ................ Go back → Fleet2
      • [Shift + C] .......... Toggle info-box for current ship selection
      • [→] .................. Select next possible Mission
      • [←] .................. Select previous possible Mission
      • [↑] ................... Increase the amount in the input field by 100
        • [Shift + ↑] .............. by 1.000
        • [Ctrl + ↑] ............... by 10.000
        • [Ctrl + Shift + ↑] ...... by 100.000

      • [↓] ................... Decrease the amount in the input field by 100
        • [Shift + ↓] .............. by 1.000
        • [Ctrl + ↓] ............... by 10.000
        • [Ctrl + Shift + ↓] ...... by 100.000

      • [A] ................... Select all resources
      • [Q] ................... Select no resources
      • [M] ................... Select most resources (defined at 'Fleet - Standard → Standard ships and resources')

      [H.6.4|Fleet movement]
      • [Enter] .............. Go back to Fleet1
      • [Shift + T] .......... Toggle details (= use green arrow)
      • [Ctrl + R] ........... Recall last sent fleet

      • implement visual feedback like it is in Jump Gate and on Fleet pages
      • [F1-F12] ............. Select target Planet
      • [Shift + F1-F12] .... Select target Moon

      [H.8|Resource settings]
      • [Enter] .............. Recalculate

      [H.9|Empire View]
      • [Shift + T] .......... Toggle overview-tab to see your Planets/Moons
      • [F1-F9] .............. Toggle section-tabs to show/hide information (Booster = F1 , Resources = F2 , …, Fleet = F9)

      The post was edited 3 times, last by fl00ri ().