Panel – tab Stationed - advanced working with Calculator

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    • Panel – tab Stationed - advanced working with Calculator

      (=Calculator-button in the tab Stationed of the infopanel)

      Collecting ships and resources from all planets is a really important aspect and it vary strongly from player to player:

      1) Some player using the risky option, to keep enough cargo on each planet and then collect them each day by using the Routine Collect.
      - using routine collect.
      - need less amount of deuterium for transport
      - not enough cargo in case you log into acc some hours later than normal.
      - too much cargo in case you built something else before collect.
      - need to straightly increase amount of cargo depending on mine production.
      - risk to being raided and loose res and stationed cargo.
      - no other use of all the stationed cargo
      2) But the other way is to deploy needed cargos to each planet and then send them back with resources/ships from there.
      - always the exact amount of needed cargo
      - use cargo for other actions whenever you dont collect res
      - no risk of loosing cargos in case of being raided
      - need higher amount of deuterium for all the deployments.
      - no existing AGO feature, yet.

      And this is the point where my suggestion intends to fill a gap :D
      It is about finding and set in fdp1 the right amount of needed cargos that you wish to deploy to each planet (keep in mind that those planets normally dont hold the same amount of res/ships, so the needed cargo vary in its amount). This can all be managed by an advanced Stationed tab of the infopanel together with the calculator:
      - show total resources
      - show stationed ships
      - show cargobay of all stationed ships
      - show missing cargobay by substracting the existing cargobay of stationed ships from the needed cargobay to carry total res.
      - show total res production per hour
      The next steps are done with the Calculator. You can choose to use the maximum needed amount (click on total res) or the minimum (click on missing cargobay). This value will be put into the calculator, where you can choose to send the cargo type of your choice (ofc the coordinates are set, too).
      Additionally you can see the flight duration which is important for the mine production. So below the duration should be listed the belonging mine production, next to it a container-icon by which you add the needed cargobay to the already existing one. [maybe this can be interesting for other features – attacking opponents and calculating additional cargobay if you detected the mines in espionage report, of the same coordinate...etc].
      So you can handle everything exactly and easily...

      It comes out that the cargobay management is komplex and difficult to handle. But i think there can be a nice way to implement such a feature into AGO for a more efficient and confortable use in several aspects.

      p.s. There can be more interesting features together with the infopanel, like -> this