Fleet - Routine Transport - Destination improvement

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    • Fleet - Routine Transport - Destination improvement

      Hey Francolino!

      I have two things to suggest about the Routine Transport...

      The first is quite simple... only to add that routine to the "Select routine with the return key when no ships chosen"... It's possible that you only forgot to do that :P

      The second one is ask if there is a possibility to fix a coordinate to the Routine Transport destination... It's useful when you're gathering all the resources of the colonies in one planet/moon, because saves the "trouble" of selecting every time the same destination... I know that if we pick the Routine Last we keep the same destination, but this would only work if for all the colonies we needed the same amount of cargos...

      Keep up the great work!


      EDIT by fl00ri: [Fleet/AGO - Routine Collect Profiles]see similiar suggestion here[/url]
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR

      The post was edited 2 times, last by fl00ri: similiar suggestion ().

    • Hello,

      As written in the news, the Routine Transport button is only "basic" with one feature .. do the same as the already existing large and small cargo buttons.
      Sure the feature with return key will come and also that the "LAST" button replays the last Routine transport.

      I am not sure about if the Routine transport button itself should remember the last coordinates, i have simply to play with it to get experiences now - and collect feedback like yours :)

    • Francolino wrote:


      As written in the news, the Routine Transport button is only "basic" with one feature .. do the same as the already existing large and small cargo buttons.
      Sure the feature with return key will come and also that the "LAST" button replays the last Routine transport.

      I am not sure about if the Routine transport button itself should remember the last coordinates, i have simply to play with it to get experiences now - and collect feedback like yours :)


      If you can make the "LAST" button replay the last Routine Transport (Destination and Speed), but calculating the cargos necessary to take all the resources of the actual planet, it won't be necessary to make the Routine Transport button itself remember the last coordinates...

      But if that's impossible (or harder to implement), I think it could be a good idea to make the button remember the coordinates, because would help a lot miners (like myself :P) to collect their production, which I think is the main purpose of this button...
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR
    • Routine Transport itself remembers last coords: This required a setting to switch it on or off - Often this button will be used to transport resources from planet to his moon - Won't work well with last coords.

      LAST Routine button is more straight and don't needs a special setting ... "only" improvements.
    • if I understand right, then you want a fixed destination for some actions (and change the destination some day later, for also a couple of actions)

      I suggest to create a checkbox for this purpose in the Stationed tab of the Infopanel, called "transport to marked location".
      You check it and then click on the planet/moon in the stationed tab where you want to transport to.
      so whenever you use the routine transport on all of your planets/moons then the same destination will be put in.
      On the next day you click on another planet/moon in the stationed tab and then the destination for routine transport will be the so marked one...
      And if you dont want this preselected destination anymore, then you can uncheck this "transport to marked location" ...

      would this be a good solution?
    • I never used the routines (other than the LAST button) before you implemented this Transport routine, but now I'm trying to figure this out: What is the difference between the Transport and the Collect routines? I used to think that Collect had something to do with debris fields ( never tried using it before :P ), but now I see both routines calculate the cargos necessary to transport all the resources on the planet/moon... so, is there a difference at all?

      fl00ri wrote:

      if I understand right, then you want a fixed destination for some actions (and change the destination some day later, for also a couple of actions)

      I suggest to create a checkbox for this purpose in the Stationed tab of the Infopanel, called "transport to marked location".
      You check it and then click on the planet/moon in the stationed tab where you want to transport to.
      so whenever you use the routine transport on all of your planets/moons then the same destination will be put in.
      On the next day you click on another planet/moon in the stationed tab and then the destination for routine transport will be the so marked one...
      And if you dont want this preselected destination anymore, then you can uncheck this "transport to marked location" ...

      would this be a good solution?

      I was thinking about this also... instead of using the Infopanel for this, wouldn't it be a good idea to use the shortcut table, since you moved it to the fleet page 1 now? Perhaps adding this checkbox below the planet list, that would work like fl00ri said...

      Francolino wrote:

      Marflabr wrote:

      The first is quite simple... only to add that routine to the "Select routine with the return key when no ships chosen"... It's possible that you only forgot to do that

      Done with the current update 5.4.1

      I still only have four options (Last, Expedition, Collect and Fleetsave)... is there something wrong? :P
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR
    • Routine Transport: A flexible feature to tranport all or the selected (in calculator) to other planets/ moons - own or foreign ones.

      Routine Collect: A feature which requieres at minimum a predefined target (own) planet or moon. It's for example perfect if you collect your resources each day to the same planet with many defenses. You can choose a different speed and other details for each departure - e.g to have the same return times of the cargos.

      Marflabr wrote:

      I still only have four options (Last, Expedition, Collect and Fleetsave)... is there something wrong?

      Oh - only added to the InfoPanel :)
    • Perfectly clarified :P

      So this Collect routine always did what I was trying to suggest in the first place :D

      Perhaps this checkbox might still be useful for some things, but for what I was aiming at the beginning(which was transport all resources of all planets to one fixed location) this Collect routine already works very well :P

      Thanks for the clarification :)
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR
    • Welcome .)

      And yes, the Routine Collect is very powerful for the daily (and same) work - Only one feature is missing here - the ability for a simple change of the destination - For example to collect today on planet A, next day on planet B, then planet A again etc.

      But this will come when i finished the fleet pages .)