Messages/C&H – highlight current spy report

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    • Messages/C&H – highlight current spy report

      If you are using the spiohelper from eleria, then you can jump to the corresponding spy report in the normal message box. If your box is filled out very well, then it works all fine, the spy report will be at the first line of you browser. But if you dont have that much in your box or the spy report is located near the end of the box, then the corresponding spy report stops moving inbetween (or even dont start moving) and you have to search for the right spyreport. I guess that this also depends on the screen/browser resolution that you are using.

      So mark the corresponding spyreport the same way you mark the last fleet sending in the eventlist (green background if the spy report is from a planet, orange for a moon spy report). If there is a spyreport from both the planet and moon of the same coordinate, then both can be highlighted in its colors !