UniverseView - 2.1.3

  • UniverseView - 2.1.3

    Update 2.1.3

    It's been a while again since i worked on the script! :D
    Well most work was already done a little while ago.
    Last few days were more small things.

    The script should launch much faster now :)
    • New => French translation update
    • New => Indicate player homeplanet in galaxyview & quicksearch!
    • New => Galaxy refresh clock !
    • Bugfix => Planets in quicksearch are sorted now
    • Bugfix => Fixed UniverseView Wiki dialog problem
    • Polish => Uses versionCheck script from ogame meta data
    • Polish => Changed officers appearence
    • Polish => Script startup should be a lot faster
    • Polish => Firefox, fixed spreading header add yourself

    Feedback is always welcome ! You can contact me via my website


    The post was edited 1 time, last by Warsaalk ().