UniverseView - 2.0.0

  • UniverseView - 2.0.0

    Update 2.0.0


    I've been working a long time on this update.
    Because so much changed, from features to the code itself, i'm releasing it as version 2.0.0.
    I'm not going to put this post full of images like always.
    Why not ?

    Because i made something that looks like a wiki.
    It'll be available ingame and offline.
    Information about the new features can be found on the wiki.

    Here's a list of the things that changed
    • Possibility to turn off features.
    • New: Quicksearch for players and alliances
    • New: Player spreading feature
    • Better handling for api option (hopefully)
    • New menu layout
    • Code fully refactored
    • Possible to remove browser databases
    • Possible to reset to default values

    Pleas give feedback :)

    This will be shown ingame the first time you are using version 2.0.0
    Here is the link to the offline version. (for now only available in english).

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Warsaalk ().