Installation: As Userscript in Google Chrome - DEPRECATED

  • Installation: As Userscript in Google Chrome - DEPRECATED

    How to install the script as Userscript in Google Chrome - Deprecated

    From the UniverseView website:
    • Go to the download page -> UniverseView Download
    • Click the Userscript button
    • Download the script
    • Click the menu tab in the top right corner in chrome
    • Select tools
    • Select extensions
    • Open the download location where the script is located
    • Drag the file into the extensions tab in chrome
    • Click install

    • Go to the userscripts website ->
    • Click the install button
    • Download the script
    • Click the menu tab in the top right corner in chrome
    • Select tools
    • Select extensions
    • Open the download location where the script is located
    • Drag the file into the extensions tab in chrome
    • Click install

    The post was edited 2 times, last by Warsaalk ().