Welcome .)

    • - UniverseView
      - Bugs & Questions -> everyone (text: Report bugs & problems here)
      - Troubleshooting & Installation -> only team (text: Read problem solutions & installation notes here)
      - Suggestions -> everyone (text: Here you can post suggestions you would like to see in UniverseView)
      - In development -> only team (text: Suggestions & features currently being developed)
      - Implemented -> only team (text: All implemented suggestions & features)
      - Archive -> only team (text: Archived suggestions & features)

      Boards are done, special access is missing - comes later
    • Could you add this prefixes ?

      For the main board UniverseView:
      • [news]
      • [update]

      For the subboard Bugs & Questions:
      • [bug]
      • [problem]
      • [question]
      • [solved]
      • [other]
      • [answered]

      For the subboard Suggestions (including their subboards)
      • [new]
      • [accepted]
      • [rejected]
      • [in development]
      • [implemented]
      • [stopped]
      • [feedback]

      Also could this be done in terms of thread creation ?
      2 possibilities , users can add threads or only team members can add threads (like me)

      Mainboard : UniverseView -> only team
      Subboard : Bugs & Questions -> everyone
      Subboard : Troubleshooting & Installation -> only team
      Subboard : Suggestions -> everyone
      Sub-Subboard : In development -> only team
      Sub-Subboard : Implemented -> only team
      Sub-Subboard : Archive -> only team
    • Warsaalk wrote:

      Could you add this prefixes ?

      For the main board UniverseView:
      • [news]
      • [update]

      For the subboard Bugs & Questions:
      • [bug]
      • [problem]
      • [question]
      • [solved]
      • [other]
      • [answered]

      For the subboard Suggestions (including their subboards)
      • [new]
      • [accepted]
      • [rejected]
      • [in development]
      • [implemented]
      • [stopped]
      • [feedback]


      Warsaalk wrote:

      Also could this be done in terms of thread creation ?
      2 possibilities , users can add threads or only team members can add threads (like me)

      Mainboard : UniverseView -> only team
      Subboard : Bugs & Questions -> everyone
      Subboard : Troubleshooting & Installation -> only team
      Subboard : Suggestions -> everyone
      Sub-Subboard : In development -> only team
      Sub-Subboard : Implemented -> only team
      Sub-Subboard : Archive -> only team

      Not yet done. (It's Sunday. :D)