Panel/Overview - Show gained points per day as list

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    • Panel/Overview - Show gained points per day as list

      "Francolino" wrote:

      Planet database:

      - Attack counter during the last 24 hours

      "Geep" wrote:

      In my alliance in Draco we have a championship. Every months we choose a winner and every year a winner.
      I create an automated Excel sheet where I only have to write down the points of our members every week, but maybe ( as other alliances might also have championships) we can create a little tool inside antigame or standalone to get the points of our alliance members automatically using

      Of course this is not the only thing where we can use this nice API for. The championship was only an idea.


      It would be easy and come in handy of you can see in OVERVIEW how much points you gained in the last .. days or weeks using the API. Right??!

      Let me know.