AGO - few suggestions (some features from COgame)

    • AGO - few suggestions (some features from COgame)

      "Toxicterror" wrote:

      Hi Fanco

      Since 5.0 COgame finally broke and I dont think, Caprica Six will fix it anymore as s/he stopt playing Ogame. So i was forced to switch to AntiGame alltough I personally don't really like it.
      Most of my ideas here come to be ideas that were implemented in COGame, but I don't think it would be "stealing" if you'd add these to AntiGame.

      1. Live-Update of the costs and build time of ships/defence
      2. Jumpgate: Max. selection per ship (click on icon/text)
      3. Option to disable text/speed overlays per ship in fleet1 menu
      4. Skin-support
      5. Live-Update of the energy produced by each solsat

      6. Option to disable fleet details listed for each event
      7. Option to show missing resource instead of total cost of building/ship/etc.
      8. Messages: Do not switch to next 10 messages if msg-box is focused and has content (security check to not loose a response-text)

      9. API-Details: missing moon

      More to come (...probably)


      "Francolino" wrote:

      1. Added a few days ago
      2. Feature since half a year
      3. Feature since a long time
      4. Not sure
      5. Added a few days ago

      6. Hmm, not sure
      7. Feature since long time
      8. Maybe
      9. coming

      "Toxicterror" wrote:

      do not understand 6. wrong :)
      it was more a bug that because of 5.0 the ship-details (which normaly are visible by mouseover-the ship-icon) werent shown. that was like perfect for me because it had a very similar look and amount of information like the one from COgame :)

      the undetailed has not enough information and the detailed has because of the listing of all ships per event, too much information.

      to clarify 8. its just it happens a lot to me, that I'm writing a text and see a mistake... im not a big fan of using the mouse so i just use the left and right keys to navigate to the part that i want to rewrite. so it happens that i lose the whole text, just because i actually wanted to correct it :D its just a pain in the *** writing a huge text and then it just disapears because it accidentally moved to the next 10/25/50 messages.

      oh and sorry if i noted stuff that was implemented already a while ago. only started using AG since 5.0 and most of AG wasnt working correctly by then :P

      EDIT by fl00ri:
      4. Local skin has been added
      8. Maybe obsolete: changed messages system since OGame v6 (didnt check)
      9. Done? (what is ment by missing moon)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri ().