Messages/C&H - compare Astrophysics with amount of planets from the Api

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    • Messages/C&H - compare Astrophysics with amount of planets from the Api

      "La source" wrote:


      When you see the technology in the espionage report stiffness one must pay attention to technology astrophysics. Off is enough binding calculated the number of planets corresponding to the view technology.

      It will be interesting to add some by the espionage report the maximum number of planets that the player can have.

      I also parallels with my other suggestion, it would save this technology when astrophysics and displays the coordinates that silk insert immediately displayed if the number of planets with glue technology astrophysics.

      Thank you in advance.
      Sincerely, La source



      Lorsque l'on vois les technologies dans le rapport d'espionnage un raideur doit porter attention à la technologie astrophysique. Hors c'est assez contraignant de calculé le nombre de planètes correspondant à la technologie vue.

      Il serai intéressant d'ajouter quelque par dans le rapport d'espionnage le nombre de planètes maximum que le joueur peut avoir.

      Je fait également un parallèle avec mon autre suggestion, il faudrait enregistrer cette technologie astrophysique et lorsque l'on affiche l'encart des coordonnées qu'il soie immédiatement affiché si le nombre de planètes colle avec la technologie astrophysique.

      Merci d'avance.
      Cordialement, La source
    • if spiohelper within ago is activated, you will see max planets (available) when you mouseover the playername in the spiohelper-list above the original spy-reports
      but only reaseach will be shown within the original spy-reports ;)

    • The amount of planets is taken by the .api (universe database) which is updated weekly.
      So if by comparison the spyreport shows a higher possible amount of planets than the database is suggesting, then it should be shown. Good suggestion.

      In the report there can be the amount of planet next to the astrophysics level (red, in brackets).
      Furthermore in the info-box of the player there can be added a new line to show, that there could be another planet elsewhere (red underlining).
      In the tooltips can again stay the corrected maximum amount of planets next to the already detected ones (red, in brackets)
      So this planet info is saved untill the next update of the universe database.