"fl00ri" wrote:
Messages --> Common --> Additional buttons on Messages --> Delete shown or marked messages with subject $subject
Create a selection-window for possible message subjects instead of that free field. You can see them all and choose which would be the best for the users oppinion.
- people who are really active in the auctioneer will be spammed by 'you have been outbid!'
- the most want to have 'Fleet deployment' in it
other subjects:
Harvesting report from DF on
Espionage report of
Broadcast by
Buddy request
Invitation to alliance combat
Combat Report
Resource delivery by foreign fleet
Reaching a planet
You have received the title
Settlement Report
"fl00ri" wrote:
in order to remember this suggestion i want to tell you an even more confortable solution:
create the option the auto delete some messages with the given $subject, so you dont have to use a button to delete specific messages (working as a filter).
the subjects could be selected with checkboxes for:
you have been outbid!
Settlement Report
You have received the title
Reaching a planet
Buddy request
Invitation to alliance combat