Main View - Preselected planet/moon at login

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    • Main View - Preselected planet/moon at login

      "Kronopt" wrote:

      If it's possible, an option to select the planet/moon that shows up after logging in would be much appreciated.

      "fl00ri" wrote:

      i dont know if its a needed feature.
      you can change the planet order with the native options in ogame. the 1st planet will be shown after login, so you can mange this if you really need it^^

      ok i was wrong. The homeplanet is always selected if you login. THis is a "must be" and cant be changed (because of the activity-symbol). But i think it's possible to mark any planet/moon and jump to that location right after the homeplanet got its activity-symbol...

      If it is possible to handle a drop-down menu inside a tooltip, then i suggest to create a tooltip at the planet-count-box where you can select the position where you wish to "login at".

      "Kronopt" wrote:

      I like to see my planets organized by position, and even if I change its order, my home planet is always the selected one after server restart.

      It was just an idea, oh well