Fleet - Fleet Save

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    • Fleet - Fleet Save

      "leatherface" wrote:


      fleetpage 2

      ich stell mir das so vor das es nur ein kleines Eingabefeld gibt wo man die Uhrzeit eingibt und die % & Koordinaten ändern sich automatisch Ankunft & Rückkehr wird ja bereits angezeigt.

      I am imagining the so ago that there is only a small input box where you enter the time and the % and coordinate change automatically , arrival and return is indeed already displayed.

      "Francolino" wrote:

      Added to the ToDo List :)

      "Toxicterror" wrote:

      how about a colo-timer?
      we all know since RD that its probably a slight more secure to save via colonization. :P

      "crusy" wrote:

      This is a GREAT idea! The big fleeters can crash even more colo/harvest fleetsaver! Please do this, lol.

      "crusy" wrote:

      OK, sorry the last post was a bit too sarcastic :D . Ofc you don't colo/harvest fleetsave your main fleet.
      BUT after thinking about this more, this would be perfect for fleet saving a deut stash on each moon!

      "leatherface" wrote:

      There are occasions where you can not deploy as usual from moon to moon.
      Therefore, I got the idea to generate an input field where you can enter the return of the fleet and the script calculates the system and the speed in %
    • To make saving many deut fleets or cargo fleets in general easier, it would be nice to make this feature a bit simpler. Instead of calculating the distance and speed needed for a certain time, leave that to the user BUT give him the chance to put in a number on fleet page 2 so that this amount of systems gets added or subtracted with simple buttons. This way we can save the fleets all for the same amount of time quickly.
    • I have been doing this type of fleet saving of small fleets from all 12 of my moons in the last days. I think especially on my phone it would be awesome not to have to calculate and input the coordinates I am saving to everytime as imputing values in text boxes is very tedious on android. It really would be great to have a little box that just keeps the last value entered saved and offers little buttons left and right to subtract or add the value in the box to the value in the system box.