"leatherface" wrote:
fleetpage 2
ich stell mir das so vor das es nur ein kleines Eingabefeld gibt wo man die Uhrzeit eingibt und die % & Koordinaten ändern sich automatisch Ankunft & Rückkehr wird ja bereits angezeigt.
I am imagining the so ago that there is only a small input box where you enter the time and the % and coordinate change automatically , arrival and return is indeed already displayed.
"Francolino" wrote:
Added to the ToDo List![]()
"Toxicterror" wrote:
how about a colo-timer?
we all know since RD that its probably a slight more secure to save via colonization.![]()
"crusy" wrote:
This is a GREAT idea! The big fleeters can crash even more colo/harvest fleetsaver! Please do this, lol.
"crusy" wrote:
OK, sorry the last post was a bit too sarcastic. Ofc you don't colo/harvest fleetsave your main fleet.
BUT after thinking about this more, this would be perfect for fleet saving a deut stash on each moon!
"leatherface" wrote:
There are occasions where you can not deploy as usual from moon to moon.
Therefore, I got the idea to generate an input field where you can enter the return of the fleet and the script calculates the system and the speed in %