Panel - tab Flights - summarized resources

  • Panel - tab Flights - summarized resources

    "Scorpion" wrote:

    Hi there.

    This addon is pretty usefull.
    I think it would be nice if when i open the event panel, i could have a sum of the resources of all the missions.
    Would it be possible?


    "Francolino" wrote:

    Sure, most of all parts are already done, but i decided to convert this project first to an extension only. I did now about 70% ... and it's completly done middle of february.

    "Scorpion" wrote:

    You are doing a pretty good job with this tool.

    EDIT by fl00ri: see same suggestion here
    the resources in fleet movements are shown in the Panel tab Flights

    The post was edited 2 times, last by fl00ri: twice suggestion ().