Messages - marking messages and save them - coloring by status

    • Messages - marking messages and save them - coloring by status

      "Shin" wrote:

      Often i have tons of spy reports and get lost in them. What I would like to be able to is highlighting a messages or spy reports. I don't know how much possible this is but i think a lot of people would find this useful

      If possible, highlighting them in different colours would be great as well as a small link to copy the whole message to the notices

      "Francolino" wrote:

      Comes with one of the after next updates for Ogame 5, a new highlighting scheme is already implemented

      "fl00ri" wrote:

      maybe its good to take over the highlight from the galaxyview. so u can see if the spyreport is from a player u farm/observe/have war with etc.
      but ofc it would be nice to manually mark some spyreports or take off all colors from a spyreport. (maybe the list would mess up with too much colors)
    • we have to take care of what and when to highlight something. My suggestions for the Spiohelper are about highlighting the current selection (green=planet AND orange=moon) with a background color. Status tags like in the galaxy could also be given in Messages and the Infobox with all the listed planets of the currently selected player could appear aswell.
      From another suggestion there can be a different font color for each possible message subject.

      So an additional highlighting system can only be added, by manually giving colored borders to the messages (not only espionage reports) for special purposes, maybe to show by red borders every message from a player (that can be spy actions from or to him, personal mails and combat reports). In this way you can see every message that belongs to a player independently from the subject. This could be also done for a single coordinate instead of all coordinates of a player by borders in a different color... and so on. We have to think about a nice system - i bet there shall be some buttons to switch on/off the bordering in the different ways (and ofc a good place for them)
    • Since OGame v6 there there is the feature to declare up to 10 spyreports as favorites.
      More favorites can be added, if the Commander is set active.
      So I bet, that the marking of spyreports would be forbidden.

      Other messages could still be marked/saved e.g. to track delivering messages from trading.
      Therefore there can be a button for deleting all messaged in the selected tab except the marked/saved ones.

      Coloring the player names or add a colored border, like the status given via the galaxyview (AGO-->Coloring&Highlighting), is still a good suggestion ;)

      p.s. the title of this thread has been renamed therefore
