Fleet/Events - Incoming Resources Total

  • Fleet/Events - Incoming Resources Total

    Ghostey wrote:

    Hello again,

    I know there is a script somewhere that allows this, I can't find it, but it would be nice if in addition to seeing the resources we had incoming but if we could get a total. I love showing off to people in my alliance how much I am bringing back in one group of fleets.

    Francolino wrote:

    Please install Infocompte3 for it ;)


    Ghostey wrote:


    This one did what I was looking for.

    Francolino wrote:

    See board.origin.ogame.de/board6-ori ... #post24313

    Shipment is about all resources and ships which are in flight

    antigsmne wrote:

    what I was looking for.

    EDIT by fl00ri: see same suggestion here

    The post was edited 1 time, last by fl00ri: twice suggestion ().