Fleet - (Pre-)Selection for moon and planet

    • Fleet - (Pre-)Selection for moon and planet

      crusy wrote:

      Antigame origin has a little box to paste coordinates. If the pasted text to this box also includes the text "moon" it would be awesome if on fleet 2 the moon would be picked: D
      ofc other languages would need a traslation, maybe this is the hard part?

      crusy wrote:

      I must have posted this in the wrong section probably it belongs in the New Suggestions area. Maybe someone could move it.

      Also if coordinats with a ' ', '-','_' or '-' seperator are pasted to the box it would be awesome if antigame would parse these too.

      Francolino wrote:

      Hmmm .. coords with 1_33_3 or other seperators are difficult, causes to many mismatches.

      Sorry, i won't implement this. It's better to have trustable parsing results.

      Coords like 1:22:2:3 selects already the moon.

      When i add the feature to parse ships, i'll add also "moon" to be parsed.

      crusy wrote:

      I don't agree at all with the "false positives" argument. I do manage to copy paste only the coords, at the most with a bit of text.

      But I do get a lot of PM's when I'm trading where people and they use the space " "or a line "-" or a period "." to separate their coords. The "_" does not come often at all but the three I mentioned are used a lot. When I get this I always have to go and edit the coords manually :( Some help from Antigame would be much appreciated ;)

      Francolino wrote:

      I'll adapt this idea now with renewing fleet page 1 / routines.