Fleet - Harvest/Colonization issues

    • Fleet - Harvest/Colonization issues

      fl00ri wrote:

      It's about how the player wants to use/save his fleet.
      It also would solve the problem what would happen if both harvest and colonization is possible.
      "Set type in dependance from mission, ships and coordinates" has to be redone maybe.

      this is already existing:
      Set to harvest and debris field if recycler in the fleet
      Set to colonization if only colony ships in the fleet

      it has to be changed to:
      Set to harvest and debris field if only recycler in the fleet
      Set to colonization if colony ships in the fleet

      1) raids, DF:
      for raids you send recs only to get the DF. so this would stay the same.
      2) fleetsave routine with recs - harvest
      only way to get it preselected if you wish to save your fleet via DF harvest
      3a) fleet with recs and colo ships, existing planet
      target will be Planet/deployment or transport (colonisation impossible)
      3b) fleet with recs and colo ships, no existing planet, existing DF
      target will be Planet/colonisation (possible)
      4) fleet with recs and colo ship move from moon to planet
      deployment will be preselected (instead of harvest)
      5) attack/save fleet with recs by attacking foreign coords
      attack will be preselected (instead of harvest)

      'Francolino wrote:

      I'll adapt this idea now with renewing fleet page 1 / routines.