fl00ri wrote:
Currently the expedition routines just add a button to send any selected fleet to target position (randomly between a choosen area). I think it would be better to create expo-buttons for each fleet to let it be more prezise, easier and faster to send a given fleet.
in the Antigame Option you can set it up: e.g.
Expedition presettings: [adds a button in FP1]
expedition fleet 1: coordinates (range possible) + ships + flighttime + holding time
expedition fleet 2: coordinates (range possible) + ships + flighttime + holding time
etc. (up to 4 fleets, each to be enabled/disabled)...
(it selects the maximum of the chosen shiptype if the presettings are not reached)
so you could select and send your expedition fleets with just a few clicks and u have several options where and how to send them.
buttons can be added like this (with a good icon ofc):
Francolino wrote:
I want to use the coming info panel to offer more detailed settings. It's to much for the pages themself to add all those features there.
Francolino wrote:
I'll adapt this idea now with renewing fleet page 1 / routines.
'fl00ri wrote:
i could create such expedition-icon with the already used target icon of expeditions:
would it be enough to just add the count-number on the image (1 to 4) or should there be a boarder for the icon like the other buttons has... ?
any other suggestion? Or will you use another concept for this selection-system, Francolino?