feedback page

    • feedback page

      Ogame Wiki team worked with dedication and used in the best possible way the experience and the skills that its members have accumulate along the many years of playing this game. The guides, the tutorials and the FAQ are the glittering result of their work and the scope of this wiki is to help you understand the game and its features in order to have a better gaming experience.

      OgameWiki Team is waiting for your feedback, your comments and suggestions. Your opinions and comments are very precious to us, as they can help us continuously improve the Ogame Wiki and thus provide a wealth of accurate information to Ogame players worldwide.

      Here is the place where you can post your comments, .................

      You can post in your native language and the community representative – for each of the languages of Ogame will assist you.
    • l allready have some idea's how we can do this. I'm thinking about a special page like the disclaimer.
      But i have to see how that works with the languages.

      The idea is one page with an explaination how and where to give feedback for each language, combined with a list with links.
      Probably i will use includes on the "special" page. In that case the explaination can be on a seperate page, maintained by the representatives/loca's.

      This week i'm going to find out how we can implement this.
    • We have a link in the footer at the bottom and it works as follows:

      The link title can be set in the page and in for each language.
      If the page doesn't exist for a language, the english title is used.

      The link in the footer points to the page where we can explain how to give feedback. Translations work the same as for the other pages, so when the page exist for a language, this one will be shown.

      I've created a template {{Feedback-links}} which can be called from the feedback page. This template shows a list of all the tutorials and the corresponding link on the origin board to give feedback. The names of the tutorials will be translated automaticly from the translations made for the sidebar.

      The title of the page can be set by using {{DISPLAYTITLE:Custom page title}} on top of the page.
    • Feedback

      Ogame Wiki team is working with dedication and is using the best possible way the experience and the skills that its members have accumulate along the many years of playing this game. The guides, the tutorials and the FAQ are the glittering result of their work and the scope of this wiki is to help you understand the game and its features in order to have a better gaming experience.

      OgameWiki Team is waiting for your feedback, your comments and suggestions. Your opinions and comments are very precious to us, as they can help us continuously improve the Ogame Wiki and thus provide a wealth of accurate information to Ogame players worldwide.

      Here is the place where you can post your comments, .................

      You can post in your native language and the community representative – for each of the languages of Ogame will assist you.


      Ogame is a trademark of Gameforge Productions GmbH. All pictures and graphical informations are property of Gameforge Productions GmbH was created and is maintained by a group of volunteers from Ogame.origin. All information, guides and tutorials on this website are provided as it is, free of charge and can be shared and distributed freely. cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here. The content of any given article may recently have been changed, become outdated or is missing information. Ogame wiki team disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, reliability, operability or availability of information or material contained on this Web site. team disclaims any responsibility for the deletion, failure to store, misdelivery, or untimely delivery of any information or material in respect to the web site. disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from downloading or accessing any information or material on or thorough this web site.

      The informations and opinions you may find in the content of this page are not representing the position and are not backed by Gameforge Productions GmbH