Depopulation option.

    • Depopulation option.

      If we see in infuza the statistics of all ogame communities:

      we can see that in some communities there are not too many players.

      BUT, I see that in some communities speak the same language that in others like : -ogame.arg-....and all south American countries. & &


      So , why don't we give the option (not the obligation) of fusion the accounts from all those communities that have a bit of players into another that have much more players (and in those communities speak the same language) ?

      ------>In happens that all players have different honoraries (because we play with american players that create his account in our community because have more players) and you receive espionages in all hours. So will be a funniest game for sure.

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      Brazilian Portuguese (Portuguese: brasileiro, português do Brasil) is the official language of Brazil. It is spoken by virtually all of the 193 million inhabitants [1] of Brazil and by a few million Brazilian emigrants, mainly in the United States, Paraguay, Japan, Portugal, and Argentina. Brazilian Portuguese has had its own development. As a result, the language is somewhat different, mostly in phonology, from the language of Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries (the dialects of the other countries, partly because of the more recent end of Portuguese colonialism in these regions, have a closer connexion to contemporary European Portuguese). These differences are comparable to those between American and British English.

      Omar Hawk wrote:

      Zitat von »Raszagal88«

      written is exactly the same. The difference is with the pronunciation. No more. Like Spanish.

      That's wrong.


      So that is right!

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    • In community plays people of Spain and people of all south american countries which speak spanish.

      They come to our community because they want. And they speak the "same" language, because of course that there are some differences but we can understand to each other very well. We have a very different time too, in the morning I make activities to their planets, and in the night they do it to me. They have the advantage of get in the afternoon the 3:00H server reset. And what can I say about the habits?! They are totally different.

      So maybe is not the time to think about it, but when the moment comes I think that we could start with communities in which the language is the "same".

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    • Raszagal88 wrote:

      mostly in phonology

      What don't you understand in "mostly"? Of course, Brazilian is different in the written language - there is even a different locale code for it, for example in Browsers (pt_BR vs. pt_PT (see here)).

      This also affects OGame. For example, the Ion technology is "Tecnologia de Iões" in Portuguese and "Tecnologia de Íons" in Brazil. There are also a lot of other texts, that are slightly different. Maybe, Brazils will understand the Portuguese, but this does not mean that the texts are absolutely equal.
    • mostly ---> on many or most occasions; usually

      I said : "written is exactly the same. The difference is with the pronunciation. No more. Like Spanish. "
      I wanted to say "written is "the same" The difference is with the pronunciation. No more. Like Spanish. "

      I say that the same thing happens with all Spanish dialects and ALL of this can be understood by each others. The difference is in some words, or some expressions. But in the end you can understand them.<------like Portuguese.

      They come to play in and there is no problem of communication between us.

      This also affects OGame. For example, the Ion technology is "Tecnologia de Iões" in Portuguese and "Tecnologia de Íons" in Brazil.

      In Spanish is "Tecnología iónica" so very similar.

      Maybe, Brazils will understand the Portuguese, but this does not mean that the texts are absolutely equal.

      That it is. So, no problem to merge those communities.

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    • Valent wrote:

      It is not yet the time to think to such a merge. For the moment merges of two different communities are not possible.
      It was done for other game, games severely affected by depopulation . Ogame is not in that category, at least not the Spanish and Portuguese communities.

      Spanish is one of the languages with the highest number of native speakers :) is a huge poll of players there.
    • Okey, . But I am not only speaking about spanish or portuguaise comunities.

      If have 86.144 of accounts and ogame.arg have 7422 os accounts ( not much accounts) why dont have the with 86.144+7422 ?

      It is only make a survey in ogame.arg asking if they want it, and say to them all the advantages and disadvantages of this merge.

      Spanish is one of the languages with the highest number of native speakers :) is a huge poll of players there.

      The second one, after Chinese. But with this I can tell you that this community is around a 20% of that it was time ago. The people are going away of Ogame, and only a little bit of new players are coming there, so in the end if we don't change this tendency will be the same...

      And the survey is a little bit "cheated" because in INFUZA you can see that have 86.144 of accounts, but it don't say to us the number of different real people that are playing, I know too many people with 2 or more accounts in different universes.

      "Prevention is better than cure"

      Merge universes <---- Bad cure. Because in a time it will be desert too.

      So we need another powerful ideas for prevention and make newbies come to Ogame.

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    • Raszagal88 wrote:

      Merge universes <---- Bad cure

      Your solution is also a Merging. A Merge of communities.

      And if my language as some difference with another one, I don't want to play a game full of faults, just because the language of the game is "quite" similar.

      And don't forget the Meridian Times... Just magic to split a community !

      I think, for the future, that the only possible solution for Ogame is to have Universe with defined life duration... For example, when you start a new universe you know that after 2 years, the players will be obliged to go on older Universes.

      Example :
      > one new universe every 3 monthes;
      > after two years and 3 monthes : 9 Universes.
      > after two years and 6 monthes : the Universe 3 have to go on Universe 1 or 2; creation of the Universe 10.

      And each 3 monthes : an Universe can go on olders; if the communities are too big, opening of an empty one in which the players of this Universe and Olders can go.

      Consequence :
      - no sloooooooooooooooow death for each universe
      - new players arrival each 3 monthes
    • iguypouf wrote:

      Raszagal88 wrote:

      Merge universes <---- Bad cure

      Your solution is also a Merging. A Merge of communities.
      Yes, is a merge. It is only an idea of how to do it

      And if my language as some difference with another one, I don't want to play a game full of faults, just because the language of the game is "quite" similar.

      And don't forget the Meridian Times... Just magic to split a community !

      This is what happens in for example in my alliance . In the morning I create activity to all south American players, and in the early morning they crate activity in my main planet. Here you can see the difference times (click in Spain and in all south American countries and see what I am talking about.)

      And I can tell you that it make more interesting Ogame.

      Its interesting, because in Spain the daily reset is at 3:00 am, but for american people (that plays in , that they are more that you can imagine maybe 30% or 40% of all community) this reset is in the afternoon...

      I think, for the future, that the only possible solution for Ogame is to have Universe with defined life duration... For example, when you start a new universe you know that after 2 years, the players will be obliged to go on older Universes.

      Example :
      > one new universe every 3 monthes;
      > after two years and 3 monthes : 9 Universes.
      > after two years and 6 monthes : the Universe 3 have to go on Universe 1 or 2; creation of the Universe 10.

      And each 3 monthes : an Universe can go on olders; if the communities are too big, opening of an empty one in which the players of this Universe and Olders can go.

      Consequence :
      - no sloooooooooooooooow death for each universe
      - new players arrival each 3 monthes

      Yeah , but giving them more speed or more ways of growing in order to let them get the level of old universe if not it will be impossible of course.

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    • I'm not against limited life universes but only as event universes, not as regular universes.

      Ogame has no ending goals, reaching the top 1 is followed by a fight to keep it. In my opinion, ogame is a continuous fight/ effort to show your skills and survival abilities, is an evolving community of friends and foes where end game is only when you had enough . But that won't stop you coming back, over and over again if given the possibility.
    • But I think that he say that when a universe life finish ALL of his account will be merged to an old universe. So if we give to this limited life universe the 60% of losses in battles to rubbish and velocity x2 or x3 and some other things we will have more players in old universes,it is only say at start of the universe which will be the propose of the limited life universe.

      Maybe give the option of merge to an old universe and if don't want to merge your account will disappear and that all.

      I made a similar suggestion some time ago : Win time in depopulation problem

      For me it is a good idea.

      If not here we have another very interesting suggestion

      [Feedback please!] [90% LIKES] Register and not start from 0 [SAVE OGAME] [DEPOPULATION PROBLEM]

      or here another one:

      Solve depopulation problem

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    • Eii ... Eu sou Brasileira!! E entendo muito bem sobre as dificuldade de falar em Português de Portugal. As diferenças não são tão pequenas quanto você está dizendo. Na verdade eu acho que as diferenças são gritantes.

      Vejo muitos moderadores portugueses na comunidade BR terem muita dificuldade em conversar e entender o que se passa em uma situação dentro do Fórum. Por vezes já fui contra a entrada de Moderador PT para Moderar o Fórum BR, devido a essa diferença. Mais sempre fui reprimida no meu fórum por pensar assim.

      Não é só expressão e palavras, por vezes o que aqui não é palavrão lá é ou vice e versa e quando isso acontece gera todo uma polêmica em torno. Mais acima de tudo existe uma questão cultural envolvendo esses dialagos. Uma certa forma de se falar aqui no Brasil pode ser facilmente interpreta em Portugal como sendo pejorativa ou até mesmo difamativa, mais no final é apenas uma forma como o Brasileiro conversa com o outro. Um exemplo disso, é o comercio que os árabes fazem, aquela gritaria tudo, parece que estão brigando e tudo, mais é apenas a forma como eles usam para se comunicar e todos estão felizes e se respeitando entre si.

      Acho que já existe ideias melhores para se fazer sobre a fusão. A chave ainda acredito é trazer novos jogadores utilizando um marketing mais agressivo e também fazer uma definição para se manter os antigos a jogar. Começando pelo tratamento que a equipe dá aos jogadores. Não sei como funciona em comunidade fora do Brasil, mais a equipe BR trata nos jogadores com prepotência, arrogância e discernimento. È muito difícil de você conversar com a equipe e quando consegue conversar eles nem ligam pra você. O IRC gostaria de saber pra que serve, já que nunca encontra ninguém lá.

      Desculpem se saia do objetivo do Tópico e também sobre a tradução, não falo e nem escrevo em Inglês.


      Eii ... I'm Brazilian! And I understand very well about the difficulty of speaking in Portuguese of Portugal. The differences are not as small as you are saying. Actually I think the differences are striking.

      I see many moderators in Portuguese Brazilian community had great difficulty talking and understanding what is happening in a situation within the Forum. Sometimes I've been against the entry of Portuguese Moderator for Moderating the Brazilian Forum, due to this difference. More always been repressed in my forum for thinking so.

      Not just words and words, sometimes what is not here is there expletive or vice versa, and when that happens a controversy generates all around. But above all there is a cultural issue involving these dialagos. A way of speaking here in Brazil can be easily interpreted in Portugal as being derogatory or difamativa even more in the end is just a way the Brazilian conversation with each other. An example of this is the trade that the Arabs do, all that screaming, it seems they are fighting and everything else is just the way they use to communicate and everyone is happy and respecting each other.

      I think it is better ideas to do about the merger. The key I believe is still bringing new players using a more aggressive marketing and also make a resolution to keep the old play. Starting with the treatment team gives players. I do not know how it works in the community outside of Brazil, the Brazilian team is more in players with arrogance, arrogance and discernment. It is very difficult for you to talk with the team and when they can talk or care for you. The IRC would like to know what good, since I never see anyone there.

      Sorry if carried away at the topic and also about the translation, and I do not speak or write in English.
    • If you say that for sure it is, but I don't see the striking differences that you say:
      There it is only one different word-->Hoje-Amanhã

      Evento Ogame
      Caros jogadores,

      Durante o dia de Hoje haverá um evento em que podem encontrar maior quantidade matéria negra que o habitual (9x mais).
      O evento decorrerá durante todo o dia de hoje.

      Cumprimentos, Team
      Evento Ogame
      Caros jogadores,

      Durante o dia de Amanhã (19/6/2013) haverá um evento em que podem encontrar maior quantidade matéria negra que o habitual (9x mais).
      O evento decorrerá durante todo o dia de amanhã.

      Cumprimentos, Team

      -----------> But I agree with you in the part that you say:

      The key I believe is still bringing new players using a more aggressive marketing

      Put ogame not only in facebook...

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    • Well, I'm Brazilian, and I'm currently SMOD in the PT community...

      At the beginning, there were no BR server, so we all(Portuguese and Brazilian) played in the PT server... Only after quite some time the BR server was created...

      I never played at the BR server (tried a week or so, but gave the account up), and never had any problem playing in the PT server... sure some things are different, but there are not that much differences...

      What I mean is: Sure it's better to have two different communities, but when the time comes, I think it's completely possible to merge them.

      I agree that it is not yet the time to merge communities, but I think it's a good idea for the future (when merging universes is not helping anymore).

      @Raszagal88: The two words are different because the topics were made in different days :P Hoje(Today) and Amanhã(Tomorrow) mean the same in both communities.
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR
    • Apenas uma observação, sobre o Evento 9x.

      Ambas as mensagem foram traduzidas pela mesma pessoa, ou seja, essa mensagem não foi traduzida para o Português Brasileiro e sim já veio postada com a linguagem Português de Portugal.

      No final, dá pra entender a mensagem perfeitamente, SIM dá ... Porém quando você se aprofunda no assunto ou em uma conversa, ai sim as diferenças são claramente notadas e acontece as dificuldades.


      Just a note on the Event 9x.

      Both messages were translated by the same person, namely, that message was not translated into Brazilian Portuguese but has come posted with the Portuguese language of Portugal.

      In the end, can you understand the message perfectly, but gives ... But when you go deeper in the subject or in a conversation, oh yes the differences are clearly noticeable and happens difficulties.