[FOR THIS FORUM] Add Specifications of Universes when Merge Announcement

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  • [FOR THIS FORUM] Add Specifications of Universes when Merge Announcement

    Sorry, I cannot find a right section to post this.

    Is it possible, when you post a News regarding the uni-merge, to specify the caracteristics of each concerned Universe ?

    I suppose that a lot of communities are curious and follow the news here. But for example for the last news, I've searched those info on ogniter, and on the ogame homepage for each community, translated text from polish and turkish...

    Regards !
  • I make a Up of this suggestion.

    I think its a very important information to know that :
    - some target universes were yet targets on previous merge
    - some speed universes are exodus with only X1-speed universes as targets

    But we have to cross information on local ogame portals, on tools like infuza or ogniter, on local boards to know the characteristics of the concerned universes.

    Is it possible to detail all specialities of the concerned universes on your announcements ?

    Thanks :)
  • Each community has its own specific and merge characteristics. A comparation between merge from different communities will use to nothing.

    Best is to look on a specific community forum to see details . If you are a member of that com , you already know the universe details.

    Here in Origin, we provide only general information and general news related to other communities. The sense of the news you are referring was to inform all users that the merge process is ongoing and it will come to all sooner or later.

    However, here there are representatives from most of the Ogame communities, they are informed about merge specifics, you can ask and we'll do our best to answer to you.

  • Mmmm... French players are very interested to know if different types of universes can be involved in the same merge procedure.

    Example : for the .org announcement, the .fr community has been scared to know that GF planned a merge from X2 to X1; after some reading the board.org complaints, we have seen that your community had the same idea; and we have seen that GF changed their plans.

    YES, other communities ARE concerned.

    I don't understand why you say that the original announcement cannot contain the characteristics of the concerned universe, even if the person that post that knows this information :|