inApp Translations:
EN(complete) since ver 1.0
DE(complete) since ver. 1.0
"USERNAME" ="Spielername";
"PASSWORD" ="Passwort";
"ACCOUNTLISTHEADER" ="Deine Accounts";
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Neuer Account";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Community wählen:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Server wählen:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Benutzername:";
"ENTERPASSWORD" ="Kennwort:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="Prüfen / Speichern";
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Login notwendig!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="Zur Ermittlung der RSS-Feed-URL muss die App sich ein Mal in Deinen Account einloggen. Ist das OK?";
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Dein RSS Feed ist nicht aktiviert. Bitte aktiviere ihn unter Einstellungen->Allgemein->RSS-Feed";
"ERROR" ="Fehler";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="Die angegebene Kombination aus Server, Benutzername und Passwort ist falsch!Bitte korrigieren und erneut versuchen!";
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Spionageaktion";
"MESSAGETYPE_PLAYER" ="Nachricht von";
FR(message Strings missing) by jrme scheduled for ver. 1.0.2
ES(complete) by Kramagon scheduled for ver. 1.0.2
BR/PT(complete) by Hideki scheduled for version 1.0.2
CZ (complete) by Quinn scheduled for version 1.0.3
AppStore description
ES(complete) by Kramagon
BR/PT(complete) by Hideki
CZ(complete) by Quinn
AppStore description; CZ version
Čtečka RSS zdroje pro strategickou hru OGame.
Uvědom si, že musíš aktivovat funkce Commanderu (ještě před OGame verzí 5.5), abys měl/a přístup ke svému RSS zdroji!
Bez prosím na vědomí, že tato aplikace ukládá tvá data o účtu přímo do tvého telefonu!
-OGame je prohlížečová hra vyvíjená a distribuovaná společností Gameforge AG.
-Feed Commander je komunitní projekt uživatele „Elvon“.
"USERNAME" ="Username";
"PASSWORD" ="Password";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="New Account";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Choose Community:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Choose Server:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Username:";
"ENTERPASSWORD" ="Password:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="validate / save";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Login necessary!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="to fetch the URL of Your RSS-Feed the app has to log in into Your Account. Do You agree?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Your RSS Feed is not activated. Please activate it (Settings->General->RSS-Feed)!";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Error";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="The given combination of server,username and password is wrong! Please correct it and try again!";
RSS View Header
unique Strings (case sensitive) that identify the messagetype for coloring
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Espionage action";
"MESSAGETYPE_PLAYER" ="Message from";
"MESSAGETYPE_ALLY" ="Broadcast by";
"USERNAME" ="Username";
"PASSWORD" ="Password";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="New Account";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Choose Community:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Choose Server:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Username:";
"ENTERPASSWORD" ="Password:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="validate / save";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Login necessary!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="to fetch the URL of Your RSS-Feed the app has to log in into Your Account. Do You agree?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Your RSS Feed is not activated. Please activate it (Settings->General->RSS-Feed)!";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Error";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="The given combination of server,username and password is wrong! Please correct it and try again!";
RSS View Header
unique Strings (case sensitive) that identify the messagetype for coloring
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Espionage action";
"MESSAGETYPE_PLAYER" ="Message from";
"MESSAGETYPE_ALLY" ="Broadcast by";
"USERNAME" ="Spielername";
"PASSWORD" ="Passwort";
"ACCOUNTLISTHEADER" ="Deine Accounts";
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Neuer Account";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Community wählen:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Server wählen:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Benutzername:";
"ENTERPASSWORD" ="Kennwort:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="Prüfen / Speichern";
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Login notwendig!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="Zur Ermittlung der RSS-Feed-URL muss die App sich ein Mal in Deinen Account einloggen. Ist das OK?";
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Dein RSS Feed ist nicht aktiviert. Bitte aktiviere ihn unter Einstellungen->Allgemein->RSS-Feed";
"ERROR" ="Fehler";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="Die angegebene Kombination aus Server, Benutzername und Passwort ist falsch!Bitte korrigieren und erneut versuchen!";
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Spionageaktion";
"MESSAGETYPE_PLAYER" ="Nachricht von";
"USERNAME" ="Pseudo";
"PASSWORD" ="Mot de passe";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Nouveau compte";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Choisir la communauté:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Choisir le serveur:";
"ENTERPASSWORD" ="Mot de passe:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="Valider / Sauvegarder";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Connexion nécessaire!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="Pour obtenir l'URL de votre flux RSS, l'application doit se connecter à votre compte. Acceptez-vous?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Votre flux RSS n'est pas activé. Veuillez l'activer ! (Options ->Général->RSS-Feed)";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Erreur";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="Le serveur, le pseudo ou le mot de passe est erroné! Veuillez corriger les informations et réessayer!";
RSS View Header
unique Strings that identify the messagetype for coloring
"USERNAME" ="Pseudo";
"PASSWORD" ="Mot de passe";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Nouveau compte";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Choisir la communauté:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Choisir le serveur:";
"ENTERPASSWORD" ="Mot de passe:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="Valider / Sauvegarder";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Connexion nécessaire!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="Pour obtenir l'URL de votre flux RSS, l'application doit se connecter à votre compte. Acceptez-vous?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Votre flux RSS n'est pas activé. Veuillez l'activer ! (Options ->Général->RSS-Feed)";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Erreur";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="Le serveur, le pseudo ou le mot de passe est erroné! Veuillez corriger les informations et réessayer!";
RSS View Header
unique Strings that identify the messagetype for coloring
"USERNAME" ="Nombre de usuario";
"PASSWORD" ="Contraseña";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Nueva cuenta";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Escoger Comunidad:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Escoger Servidor:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Nombre de usuario:";
"ENTERPASSWORD" ="Contraseña:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="Validar / guardar";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="¡Login necesario!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="para cargar la URL de tu RSS-Feed el app debe loguear en tu cuenta. ¿Estás de acuerdo?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Tu RSS Feed no ha sido activado. Por favor actívalo (Settings->General->RSS-Feed)";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Error";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="¡La combinación de servidor, nombre de usuario y contraseña facilitada no es correcta! Por favor, revísala y corrígela e inténtalo de nuevo";
RSS View Header
unique Strings (case sensitive) that identify the messagetype for coloring
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Acción de espionaje";
"MESSAGETYPE_ALLY" ="Mensaje colectivo de";
"USERNAME" ="Nombre de usuario";
"PASSWORD" ="Contraseña";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Nueva cuenta";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Escoger Comunidad:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Escoger Servidor:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Nombre de usuario:";
"ENTERPASSWORD" ="Contraseña:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="Validar / guardar";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="¡Login necesario!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="para cargar la URL de tu RSS-Feed el app debe loguear en tu cuenta. ¿Estás de acuerdo?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Tu RSS Feed no ha sido activado. Por favor actívalo (Settings->General->RSS-Feed)";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Error";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="¡La combinación de servidor, nombre de usuario y contraseña facilitada no es correcta! Por favor, revísala y corrígela e inténtalo de nuevo";
RSS View Header
unique Strings (case sensitive) that identify the messagetype for coloring
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Acción de espionaje";
"MESSAGETYPE_ALLY" ="Mensaje colectivo de";
"USERNAME" ="Nome do usuário";
"PASSWORD" ="Senha";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Nova Conta";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Escolher Comunidade:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Escolher Servidor:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Nome do usuário:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="Validar / Salvar";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Login necessário!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="Para carregar a URL do teu RSS-Feed no app precisa logar em sua conta. Está de acordo?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Teu RSS Feed não foi ativado. Por favor ative-o (Settings->General->RSS-Feed)";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Erro";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="A combinação do servidor, nome de usuário e senha estão incorretos! Por favor, corrija-os e tente novamente!";
RSS View Header
unique Strings (case sensitive) that identify the messagetype for coloring
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Ação de espionagem";
"MESSAGETYPE_PLAYER" ="Mensagem de";
"MESSAGETYPE_ALLY" ="Mensagem coletiva de";
"USERNAME" ="Nome do usuário";
"PASSWORD" ="Senha";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Nova Conta";
"CHOOSECOMMUNITY" ="Escolher Comunidade:";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Escolher Servidor:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Nome do usuário:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="Validar / Salvar";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Login necessário!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="Para carregar a URL do teu RSS-Feed no app precisa logar em sua conta. Está de acordo?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Teu RSS Feed não foi ativado. Por favor ative-o (Settings->General->RSS-Feed)";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Erro";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="A combinação do servidor, nome de usuário e senha estão incorretos! Por favor, corrija-os e tente novamente!";
RSS View Header
unique Strings (case sensitive) that identify the messagetype for coloring
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Ação de espionagem";
"MESSAGETYPE_PLAYER" ="Mensagem de";
"MESSAGETYPE_ALLY" ="Mensagem coletiva de";
"USERNAME" ="Uživatelské jméno";
"PASSWORD" ="Heslo";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Nový účet";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Server:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Uživatelské jméno:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="potvrdit/uložit";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Přihlášení nezbytné!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="k načtení URL tvého RSS zdroje se musí aplikace připojit na tvůj účet. Souhlasíš s tím?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTTITLE" ="Zdroj není aktivní";
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Tvůj RSS zdroj není aktivní. Aktivuj jej prosím (Settings->General->RSS-Feed)!";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Chyba";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="Zadaná kombinace serveru, uživatelského jména a hesla je špatná! Oprav je prosím a zkus to znovu!";
RSS View Header
"RSSHEADER" ="RSS zdroj";
unique Strings (case sensitive) that identify the messagetype for coloring
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Špionážní akce";
"MESSAGETYPE_ALLY" ="Oběžník od";
"USERNAME" ="Uživatelské jméno";
"PASSWORD" ="Heslo";
Account creation screen
"ACCOUNTNEW" ="Nový účet";
"CHOOSESERVER" ="Server:";
"ENTERUSERNAME" ="Uživatelské jméno:";
"VALIDATEANDSAVE" ="potvrdit/uložit";
informational AlertView
"VALIDATIONALERTTITLE" ="Přihlášení nezbytné!";
"VALIDATIONALERTMESSAGE" ="k načtení URL tvého RSS zdroje se musí aplikace připojit na tvůj účet. Souhlasíš s tím?";
AlertView if Feed is not aktivated
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTTITLE" ="Zdroj není aktivní";
"FEEDINACTIVEALERTMESSAGE" ="Tvůj RSS zdroj není aktivní. Aktivuj jej prosím (Settings->General->RSS-Feed)!";
Login error AlertView
"ERROR" ="Chyba";
"LOGINERRORMESSAGE" ="Zadaná kombinace serveru, uživatelského jména a hesla je špatná! Oprav je prosím a zkus to znovu!";
RSS View Header
"RSSHEADER" ="RSS zdroj";
unique Strings (case sensitive) that identify the messagetype for coloring
"MESSAGETYPE_ENEMYSPY" ="Špionážní akce";
"MESSAGETYPE_ALLY" ="Oběžník od";
AppStore description
RSS Feed Reader for the strategy-game OGame.
Please note, that you have to activate the Commander Feature (prior to OGame Version 5.5) to gain access to your RSS-Feed!
Please notice that this app stores your account login data locally on your device!
-OGame is a browser game developed and published by Gameforge AG.
-Feed Commander is a community project by Elvon.
Please note, that you have to activate the Commander Feature (prior to OGame Version 5.5) to gain access to your RSS-Feed!
Please notice that this app stores your account login data locally on your device!
-OGame is a browser game developed and published by Gameforge AG.
-Feed Commander is a community project by Elvon.
RSS Feed Reader für das Browser-Strategiespiel OGame.
Diese App speichert Deine Account-Logindaten lokal auf Deinem Gerät!
Bitte beachte, dass du (vor OGame Version 5.5) das Commander Feature aktivieren musst, um Deinen RSS-Feed zu nutzen!
-OGame ist ein Browserspiel entwickelt und betrieben von der Gameforge AG.
-Feed Commander ist ein Communityprojekt von Elvon.
Diese App speichert Deine Account-Logindaten lokal auf Deinem Gerät!
Bitte beachte, dass du (vor OGame Version 5.5) das Commander Feature aktivieren musst, um Deinen RSS-Feed zu nutzen!
-OGame ist ein Browserspiel entwickelt und betrieben von der Gameforge AG.
-Feed Commander ist ein Communityprojekt von Elvon.
RSS Feed Reader para el juego de estrategia OGame.
Es necesario tener activado el modo comandante (para versiones anteriores a OGame 5.5) para obtener acceso a tu RSS-Feed
Este app almacena tus datos de acceso a tu cuenta en tu dispositivo.
-OGame es un juego de navegador desarrollado y publicado por Gameforge Productions GmbH.
-Feed Commander es un proyecto desarrollado por Elvon.
Es necesario tener activado el modo comandante (para versiones anteriores a OGame 5.5) para obtener acceso a tu RSS-Feed
Este app almacena tus datos de acceso a tu cuenta en tu dispositivo.
-OGame es un juego de navegador desarrollado y publicado por Gameforge Productions GmbH.
-Feed Commander es un proyecto desarrollado por Elvon.
Leitor de RSS Feed para o jogo de estratégia OGame.
É necessário ter ativado o modo comandante (para versões anteriores a OGame 5.5) para obter acesso a teu RSS-Feed
Este app armazena teus dados de acesso à tua conta em teu dispositivo.
-OGame é um jogo de navegador desenvolvido e publicado por Gameforge Productions GmbH.
-Feed Commander é um projeto desenvolvido por Elvon.
É necessário ter ativado o modo comandante (para versões anteriores a OGame 5.5) para obter acesso a teu RSS-Feed
Este app armazena teus dados de acesso à tua conta em teu dispositivo.
-OGame é um jogo de navegador desenvolvido e publicado por Gameforge Productions GmbH.
-Feed Commander é um projeto desenvolvido por Elvon.
AppStore description; CZ version
Čtečka RSS zdroje pro strategickou hru OGame.
Uvědom si, že musíš aktivovat funkce Commanderu (ještě před OGame verzí 5.5), abys měl/a přístup ke svému RSS zdroji!
Bez prosím na vědomí, že tato aplikace ukládá tvá data o účtu přímo do tvého telefonu!
-OGame je prohlížečová hra vyvíjená a distribuovaná společností Gameforge AG.
-Feed Commander je komunitní projekt uživatele „Elvon“.
The post was edited 12 times, last by Elvon ().