Fields are the amount spaces on your planet. The number behind the “/” represents the number of fields available, the one before is the number already used. Each stage of a building requires one field. The total number of fields can be extended through the use of the Terraformer or by use of Items. Research, ships or defence does not require any fields.
The number of fields is calculated using the diameter of the planet:
Number of fields = round down ((diameter of planet / 1000) ^2)
Fields are the amount spaces on your planet. The number behind the “/” represents the number of fields available, the one before is the number already used. Each stage of a building requires one field. The total number of fields can be extended through the use of the Terraformer or by use of Items. Research, ships or defence does not require any fields.
The number of fields is calculated using the diameter of the planet:
Number of fields = round down ((diameter of planet / 1000) ^2)
..::Edit by TheViking| This Post is still up to date. ::..
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