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  • Fields

    Fields are the amount spaces on your planet. The number behind the “/” represents the number of fields available, the one before is the number already used. Each stage of a building requires one field. The total number of fields can be extended through the use of the Terraformer or by use of Items. Research, ships or defence does not require any fields.

    The number of fields is calculated using the diameter of the planet:

    Number of fields = round down ((diameter of planet / 1000) ^2)

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    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner

    The post was edited 2 times, last by TheViking ().

  • Trade rates

    There are no hard trade rates. The rates can be defined by buyers and sellers, but they also depend on their general availability in the universe. The rates must be reasonable (no rates like 1 Metal : 10 Crystal) and are restricted by game rules or orders of the gameteam.

    ::Corrected by Mario 28.05::
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner

    The post was edited 2 times, last by Mario ().

  • Interception – What is that?

    The term “intercept” is used when the opponent’s fleet is expected by a larger number of ships than he expects, right before or after their arrival. This is done to destroy the opponent’s fleet to gain resources by collecting the debris field resulting from this.

    Intercept on your own planet:

    If you see someone attacking you on one of your planets in the overview, you can deploy (if present) other fleets from one of your planets nearby to the planet attacked (Order: “Deployment”) Many players spy the target planet right before their fleet attacks to look whether it is save to go through. In order to hide your predominance, you place your fleet so it arrives only a couple of seconds before the attacking fleet arrives. This makes it very difficult for the opponent to discover the predominance as he is unable to view the fleet in his spy report or is unable to view it and withdraw in this short amount of time. It is recommended to calculate the outcome of such a battle beforehand using a simulator like SpeedSim, Drago-Sim etc.

    Intercept on an opponent’s planet:

    The most common method to do this is using the Sensorphalanx, which is able to detect fleet movements of the target planet. It allows you to see the time of arrival on a specific planet. Therefore, you are able to place your fleet, so that it attacks only a couple of seconds after the target fleet returns to the planet. If the time between the arrivals of both fleets is short enough, the opponent has hardly any chance to escape the fight.

    Keep in mind that if the time between both fleets is too short, the event handler, who organises ingame activities, might cause a short lag in the events. This might place the attacking fleet before the target, which then lands safely. A safe distance is 3 – 5 seconds between the target and the attacking fleet.

    Furthermore, Recyclers should be send out earlier than the actual attacking fleet. Those ships are much slower in comparison to military ships. At best, the Recyclers arrive 3 – 5 seconds after the battle took place to collect the debris field.

    Especially in big fights it is important to time well as the resulting debris field is very desirable and the attacked player will also try to collect some resources from it.

    :: Still actual, controlled by Mario 28.05::
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner

    The post was edited 3 times, last by Mario ().

  • Ally Page – How do I change the background?

    Background image:

    1. [background image="url"]text[/background]
    2. [background image="url" image-repeat='yes-x']text[/background]
    3. [background image="url" image-repeat='yes-y']text[/background]
    4. [background image="url" image-repeat='no']text[/background]
    5. [background image="url" image-repeat='yes']text[/background]

    Instead of “url” you need to insert the link of the background image. The command “image-repeat” is used to organize the image repetition – if you want the image to fill the whole background by repeating itself. “yes” (2) tells it to repeat in all directions, “yes-x” (3) tells it to only repeat next to itself (Line), “yes-y” (4) tells it to repeat under itself (column) and “no” (5) means there should be no repetition. If you leave that part out (1), it will result in the same as if you said “yes” and the image will repeat itself over the whole area.
    If the image is too big, it will be cut accordingly.

    Background colour:

    1. [background color='colour']text[/background]

    As a colour, you can choose any normal Hex-Code as a background colour. Alternatively, colour names work as well (blue, yellow, red,…)

    You can find Hex-Codes here for example:

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    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner
  • Ally page – How do I create a link to my ally page?

    To show your Ally page to people not playing in your universe, you can give them a link directly to your page. You only need to replace the according things and post the link.

    xx = Uni
    zz = Ally-ID

    You can finde the link to your own Ally page by going “Alliance" – “management” – “manage texts” – “External area” – “open alliance page”.

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    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner

    The post was edited 3 times, last by TheViking ().

  • Research – How does the Intergalactic Research Network work?

    With every new stage, the intergalactic research network connects another lab with the researching lab. It is always the highest stages, which are connected. Every research is now done with the speed of the stages of all connected labs added together. Therefore, the research is done much faster. The higher this network is researched, the more labs can be connected and the faster, the research is done. The formula is the following:

    Number of connected labs = Stage of IRN + 1
    Keep in mind: Only those labs, which could handle the specific research alone, will be included in the research. This means that for example only labs with stage 7 or higher can be connected to a lab researching hyperspace drive. All other labs have no influence.

    still up to date / pat`
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner
  • Colonization – Can I send resources with my colony ship?

    With the introduction of the redesign, it became possible to send resources with your colony ship. If you send cargos with your colony ship, they fly back to their origin after unloading the resources.

    still up to date / pat`
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner
  • Deployment – Can I transport and deploy resources at the same time?

    Yes, it doesn’t matter what mission you send your fleet on. You can always send resources with it.

    After the deployment, the resources are simply transferred onto the target. Furthermore, after a successful deployment, half of the deuterium costs for the flight is given back. If the deploying fleet is withdrawn, no deuterium is credited.

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    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner

    The post was edited 1 time, last by TheViking ().