Pinned Troubleshooting

    • Troubleshooting

      Current hints for version 6.0.0

      Regarding lags, three main reasons could be found:

      - Add-ons, which collect a lot of data from OGame and present it in the browser. OGame was optimized to only retrieve data on request, but some add-ons like to circumvent that (especially in the event list or galaxy view). With V6 the problems will increase, e.g. when still using AGO before it is compatible.
      - Specific browser problems. Firefox is a current error source. Over time and dependent on activity the browser litters up. Firefox collects data for every site request in order to be quicker the next time the site is requested. Unfortunately, the disadvantage is when using JavaScript (which OGame uses a lot), the content changes and more and more data is saved to the cache until it's just too much (depends on RAM and local settings). There is a workaround for this problem:
      - Chosen DNS: Some use the Google DNS. The problem is, that every Request for the CDN (pictures etc.) are routed through the USA. It is better to use a German DNS or ideally the one which the provider preset.

      General instructions for troubleshooting
      • This guide is first thing to look at for general assistance :
        - Login problems, buttons not working, display problems.
        - Overviews not appearing ( events, sensor phalanx, techtree, messages, alliance, ... ).
        - Pages not loading, not loading properly or loading extremly slow.
      • Please follow these instructions step by step and then follow green or red step depending on the success.

      • Step 0

        1. Press the key combination Ctrl + F5 on the affected site.
          - This will force every browser to reload only the current page.

      • Step 1 - If the problem is resolved :

        1. Have fun and : "Ctrl F5 fixes many browserproblems"

      • Step 2 - If the problem persists :

        1. If pages are not loading or loading extremly slow :
          - Please check out, if other sites are accessible.
          - Please check out, whether the startpage or your universe is generally accessible : << Serverstatus >>
          - Please check out, whether the startpage or your universe is accessible from your computer : << How to ping a server >>
          - Please check out the connection or the connection quality, especially for WLAN : << DSL Speedtest >>
        2. If the problem still exists, please go to step 9.

      note: for Mac users there are some guides on how to enable cookies <<How to Enable Cookies on a Mac >>

      • Step 4 - If the problem persists :

        1. Restart your computer because of :
          - This will delete various buffers in the operating system.
          - Sometimes, the browser is not terminated properly - restarting can fix the problem.

      • Step 5 - If the problem is resolved :

        1. Update addons and activate them sequentially.
          - Addons and skins are only available in support : << Tools, Scripts and Sims >>, please look there into the relevant thread.

      • Step 6 - If the problem persists :

        1. Please test a different browser on your computer.
          - Internet Explorer / FireFox / Chrome / Opera / Safari.

      • Step 7 - If the problem persists :

        1. Please install a new browser from the list above on your computer and test it again.
          - Chrome and Opera are recommended, especially for slow presentation speed.

      • Step 8 - If the problem is resolved :

        1. Problem with FireFox :
          - Please uninstall all addons completely (uninstalling plugins is not necessary) an install them again.
        2. Problem with Internet Explorer :
          - Please update it to Internet Explorer 8!
        3. Problem with Chrome :
          - Please uninstall it and install it again.
        4. Problem with Opera :
          - Please uninstall it and install it again.
        5. Generally :
          - Please use the browser that works best with Ogame.

      • Step 9 - If the problem persists :

        1. If you installed a desktop firewall or Internet Security Suite :
          - Disable this firewall - the firewall of windows is better and safer.
          - Deactivate the virus scanner for testing purposes.
          - Disable avaliable popup blocker, child protection filters and similar functions.

      • Step 10 - If the problem is resolved :

        1. Please only leave the Windows firewall enabled.
        2. Configure the programs above correctly, so Ogame runs smoothly.

      • Step 11 - If the problem persists :

        1. Shut down all computer connected to the router ( Even those over WLAN ).
        2. Shut down router, modem and switch for about 30sec. Some have a powerswitch, otherwise pull out the power cable.
        3. Turn on the computer.

      • Step 12 - If the problem is resolved :

        1. Please check whether there are programs that may open simultaneously running on your computer.

      • Step 13 - If the problem persists :

        1. Please ask your friend to test your account for you.
          - At best, he should use another Internet provider.
          - Make sure to notify a Game Operator before doing this.

      • Step 14 - If the problem persists :

        1. Please visit Ogame Support Team for further help :
          - First way to do that is via IRC in support channer #ogame-support - please join and wait for available supporter to come and help you.
          - Second way is via ticket here: << Ticket system >>

      Last edit - 18.09.2015 by pat` (current hints for 6.0.0)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Unixion ().

    • I have some suggestions for changes :)

      Francolino wrote:

      - Please check out, whether the startpage or your universe is generally accessible : << Serverstatus >>

      That link says the servers are offline, can be changed to "Go to the page or login to your universe" or something like that :)

      Francolino wrote:

      - Please check out the connection or the connection quality, especially for WLAN : << DSL Speedtest >>

      It didn't work for me on a DK IP, can be changed to

      Francolino wrote:

      - Check javascript : << JavaScript/JScript | H Security >>
      - Check cookies : << Cookies | H Security >>

      Docent seem to work anymore, these can be used instead:
      Origin Supporter
      TM -