Set Up Rss Feed on different Devices

    • Set Up Rss Feed on different Devices

      • Tutorial in setting up the Rss Feed for different Devices with different Operating Systems

      • Please use this thread for questions, suggestions, improvements, etc.


      • The template for all translations:
        - No template existing

      • Here you'll find all translations:
        - Original German Tutorial Thread
        - English is in here. :)
        -Links for other translations in other communities will be added, if you send them to me


      The post was edited 1 time, last by TheViking ().

    • Rss Demon (Android App)

      RSS Demon (Android App)

      Step 1:

      Search Feedlink and write it down or send it with email to your phone.

      Step 2:

      Open Rss Demon and choose "Manage Sources"
      On Phones the smaller Version is displayed. Choose the "+"

      Step 3:

      Choose "+" for a new Source Entry

      Step 4:

      We will set up with "Feed-URL"

      Step 5:

      Now paste or write your Feed-URL
      Attention!!!! Make sure to replace the "feed "with a "http".

      Step 6:

      Basic setup is completed now. Choose the little arrow on right side to configure the Details.

      Step 7:

      Choose a name and enter your Login Data.
      You can also configure Settings. You have to try which Settings for the Feed are the best for you.

      Step 8:

      Setuo is completed now and you should get first results.

      Step 9:

      This is how the Feed looks in Rss Demon
      Have fun :)

      I used my existing Screenshots with German as App Language.
      But i think this will not make you fail with setting up.
      The correct English Captions are used in the descriptions.
    • Ogame Rss Reader
      Really simple setting up, because this is made for the Ogame Rss feed.
      The Programm is in German, but i think you can arrange with that.
      You can get it here: Ogame Rss Reader

      Step 1:

      Choose options

      Step 2:

      With the Button "Neuer Feed" you can create a new entry.
      With those sliedecontrols zu can set up storage size and update intervall.
      Attention!!!! Make sure to replace the "feed "with a "http".
      Set Username and Password.
      If you dont choose "speichern" you will have to write in your password on each startup.
      The right box defines the Tooltip style in Windws for the Reader.

      Step 3:

      If you want to saver your data in an external DataBase you can configure that here.

      Step 4:

      Here you can set up your Notification sounds and behaviour.

      Step 5:

      By choosing those little Buttons on the left you can classify your Feed Entries.

      Step 6:

      Another interesting thing are the Expedition Statistiks.
      Of course this Titles are German but you will get used to it I think.
    • Tutorial: Rss Feed via Feed Commander (iOS)
      I'm very proud to be able to introduce you into the first ogame feed reader for Apple devices.

      Thanks to Elvon, who send me those Screenshots.

      I think i don't have to write much about this Tutorial.
      Elvons App does the most things by itself.

      Step 1:

      Step 2:

      Step 3:

      Step 4:

      Step 5:

      Step 6:

      Hier einen beliebigen Namen eingeben.

      Step 7:

      Step 8:
    • just wanted to put in my thoughts and idea,

      This game is always with Self Dedication. I Mean, you must know/remember when you are gonna get your building finished/fleet stationed back/fleet returns. Worse than that, you would get feed that you just got spied/stuff? Seriously guys. I Know GF cant change this, just submitting my thoughts . This game was always in the Self Dedication of a player .

      Not by getting alerts and feeds about your account with just a simple alert :(