DM associated to an email/external account instead of a single ogame account

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    • DM associated to an email/external account instead of a single ogame account

      Good morning, good evening,

      A suggestion has been emitted by KRAG, a player from OGame French community. It was supported by more than 80% of the community in a small survey.

      It deals with the way Dark Matter works. Let’s figure out this suggestion. At present, the purchased DM for an account stays on this specific account. If a player owns more than two accounts and if he wants to play using paying options, he thus has to buy twice DM (one for each account).

      The current system raises some significant issues:
      The player is forced to foresee how much DM he would be needed for all of his accounts.
      The player willing to purchase DM at the best price can't do it if he owns several accounts and is restricted to a 100€ budget. If he owns two accounts, he’d have to pay for instance twice 50€ which would be more costly than spending 100€ by credit card at one time.
      The player willing to stop playing an account can’t withdraw the present DM if he wants to play on another account.

      The suggestion would be to offer a centralized purchasing system; it means we could for example link the purchasing of DM with an e-mail address or a MMOGame account, instead of linking it with an OGame account.

      Several advantages to that system:
      Purchasing and use of DM eased, the player could obtain his DM at the best price and spend the strict minimum he is needed whenever he wants.
      DM would then not been stored directly on the account, strictly speaking. It could be compared to a current account; we don’t store money in a wallet but on an account. When needed, we use the credit card.
      With this system, the auto deleting of long time inactive players is solved because DM is independent of the account.

      This new system could also be extended to other similar system on Gameforge games.

      As said previously, this suggestion was a big hit in the French community that is why we are submitting it at an international level, this time.

      What is your opinion about it?
    • I think this is a great suggestion, and for people with more than one account(like myself) it would be really good to centralize the DM to one single account, and then use it the way we want, despite of buying separately for each uni we play...

      As for being able to delete long time inactive accounts, I'm not sure if it would be a good or a bad thing, but despite of that, this is still a great suggestion to be implemented...
      Former BA @ OGame PT
      Former BA @ OGame BR
    • Not planned and not managable with OGame itself. Gameforge itself needs to provide an solution for all Gameforge games.
      Implementing an lobby is not realistic for an existing, quiet old game as ogame is.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.